I am the boss and I make the rules

A leave should be approved in advance.Since, you didn't informed me earlier, i can't act against the rules."Albert justified in a righteous manner.

Su Chen thought internally,"Man, can you be anymore shameless?You were the one who  took a leave from work without informing anyone leaving all the pile of work with me.How can you have the nerve to say that a leave should be asked in advance."

Su Chen glared at him resentfully.

Albert understood what Su Chen was thinking and give him a look saying I AM THE BOSS AND I MAKE THE RULES?

After, seeing Albert's arrogant and cocky face, Su Chen almost puked blood in anger.

"Hmpp, You think i don't know that you want to hog my little star all to yourself."Su chen though to himself.

He stood up and tucked Suzain inside the blanket carefully.

He gently kissed her forehead.

"Rest well.Brother will visit you in the evening with your muffins."Su chen said to her gently.

'Really"Suzain asked excitedly.Her eyes shining like the brightest stars of the sky.

"Really"Su chen replied amused by her cute reaction.

"Then i will wait for my muffi.. no brother."Suzain replied enthusiastically.

Su Chen's lips curved up into a smile.This brat!She sure knows to make other helpless.

He then turned to look at Albert gesturing him to go outside with him.

Both of them waled out.

Suzain sighed and reached out for her phone on the bedside table.

She has to stay in the hospital for almost a week now thanks to Albert Frost and that nurse.There is no way that she would be able to go to Y country for the beginning of Dream Bay Project tomorrow.

Its better that she inform her employer to find someone else for the job.

With this thought in mind, she clicked on a contact on her phone called 'DREAM BAY BOSS'

Thee call only rang for a second before the other party picked up the phone.

"Hello"A gentle and pleasant voice spoke from the other end.

"Hello, this is Suzain Bright, the head architect for Dream Bay Project. I would like to withdraw from my position."Suzain said very politely.

After all, it was not a small matter if the head architect of a high-end project quits so suddenly.It would certainly delay the progress of the project as it would not be easy to find a replacement.

There was silence at the other end for a moment.Then, the other party spoke very spoke very politely.

"Miss Bright, are you unsatisfied with any of the conditions regarding your job, if that's the case then we can fulfill your requirements according to you.But, you don't need to quit."

Suzain was a bit stunned with the other party's reaction.She had expected the other party to flare up at her accusing her of unprofessionalism but contrary to it, the other party doesn't seem angry at all. Instead, they sounded quite sad.

"Mr. Yale, i am very honored to work with yo but due to some health issues i can't come to Y country for about a week or two."Suzain explained gently.

"Are you alright?Did you get sick?Are you injured?Is it serious?Are you in pain?"The other party threw questions after questions anxiously.

Suzain chuckled lightly. Somehow, she found the other party's reaction very amusing.

"Mr.Yale. I am alive and kicking.Its just that i suffered from some injuries and need sometime for recuperation."Suzain said in a reassuring tone.

The other party's sigh was heard from the other end.

"Ms.Bright, if it because of your health issues you are quitting.Then, there is no need to do so.The project was supposed to start two weeks from now on.The designing team was required to report to weeks earlier because we wanted them to have more understanding of the project and get more familiar with the company.Since, you can't come now.You can just join the project two weeks later at its beginning.It wouldn't have any impact on the progress of the project.I sincerely hope that you could reconsider?"The other party explained very humbly.

Suzain was at a loss as what to say?

The other party appeared sincere and the project would definitely be a successful one with no doubt.Such a opportunity is hard to pass by.Since, there is no loss for either of them.It is better to grasp the opportunity.

"Well if that's the case.Then, i am very well honored to be a part of Dream Bay project."Suzain informed him in a polite and respectable tone.

"Then, i look forward to working with you Ms.bright."The other part's joyful voice sounded from the other side.

"Me too."Suzain replied.

When Trevor Yale heard her reply, he was already on CLOUD NINE.