Fruitless Efforts

The next moment, his eyes fell on a file on the table.

He piked it up and opened it.It was none other than Suzain's resume.

He lightly caressed the passport size photo printed on it and muttered softly,"Ella, is that really you?"

He began recalling how he saw Suzain's picture five days ago.

He was sitting in his office at that time, his ears were throbbing.

His father called him about an hour ago,and nagged him to take everything seriously.To get married, to stop fooling around with girls, to take the company seriously and to forget about Ella.

How could he forget about her?

Trevor was thinking about Ella when Chase Stark, his secretary burst into his office.

She came running to him, panting heavily carrying a file in her hand.

She trusted the file into Trevor's hands.

Trevor looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Check huf.. the file. huff.."Chase said while panting heavily.

"Is it that important that i need to check it now?Can i not check it now?"Trevor pleaded.

Although,Trevor is Chase's boss.Trevor he always listens to her and obeys her.He is also scared of her  because when she gets angry, no can suffer face her wrath.That's why, he obediently follows everything she says, lest she gets angry.

This time also, Trevor tried to plead with Chase.Only to be met by her death glare.

While, sobbing in his heart for sending such a scary woman in his heart.He opened the file.

But when he saw the passport size printed photo in the uppermost right corner, he felt that his eyes were playing a trick on him.

The person in the photo just looks like Aunt Nora just the difference is that her facials are more distinct and her eyes an emerald green just like Uncle Justin.

She looks so much like them, there is only one possibility then that she is Ella.

But how is it possible?

He couldn't understand anything and asked Chase to look into her information.

But, strangely enough all information about her was blocked.

Since,, he can't find out about her.He decide to make her a a part of the project so that he could get to know about her better.

He even asked Chase to change the date of Suzain's appointment two weeks prior the original day of the beginning of the project.

But who would have thought that she would get injured and they would meet only at the beginning of 'DBP".

Sometimes, things are fated to happen at a fixed time only.

On the other hand,as soon as Chase walked out of Trevor's office,she rushed to her office and locked herself in ordering to not let anyone disturb her.

She sat on the only couch present in her office and started sobbing quietly.

She just had one thought in her mind.ITS TIME TO END HER FRUITLESS EFFORTS.