
Suzain stayed in the hospital for a whole week to recuperate and Albert was by her side almost the entire time.

She didn't knew the fact that Albert had been sleeping snuggling her in his embrace evry night.He would wake up much earlier than her so that Suzain wouldn't get to know about him sleeping everyday hugging her.

Albert didn't had a choice either.It was only when she is in his arms that he would be able to sleep peacefully. Even, after waking up.He had to reluctantly let go of her.

If Suzain came to knew about this matter,Albert was sure that she would not spare him alive.

But he couldn't help himself, he would make sure that she develops feeling for him again and then, he would dote on her and pamper her the most in the world.

Little, did he knew that he had fallen hard for Suzain during the past few days.

As for Suzain, she really didn't mind Albert.

According to her, Albert was only feeling guilty towards her.Since that's the case, then it is better that she is on good terms with him.After all, he is nt a person to be messed with.

During this week, Lisa was released from Albert's captivity.But, he still asked his men to monitor her.

Surprisingly, she  vanished without leaving any trace.

It was obvious that someone very powerful was responsible for her disappearance.

Suzain had already expected it.Technically speaking, everything was going according to her plan.

During this time,Maxwell didn't came to visit her.

Suzain understood that Maxwell was feeling guilty as he promised her that he wouldn't let her get hurt but she got drugged right in front of his eyes.

Actually, Maxwell was not at any fault on this matter at all.Who would have predicted that Suzain would get drugged by Lisa?

All in all,Maxwell was only foolishly blaming himself.

Suzain knew that the original owner contained a very special place in his heart.

She couldn't just let herself lose such a loving grandfather.Could she?Never.

That's why, she insisted to go to Old Frost Mansion after getting discharged from the hospital.

When Albert heard about her idea, he was more than happy to bring her there.Even if it meant that he had to Share Suzain with that old scourge.

The main point is that he could spend more time with Suzain.

Suzain had already told Albert to keep it a secret from Maxwell as she was sure that Maxwell would find some way to avoid her.

If that happened, then what's the use of her going there.

She might as well go with her brother to his house.Anyway, she would be leaving for Y Country the next week.So, why not spend more time with her brother?

Only because of Maxwell, she decided to ditch her brother and go to Old Frost Mansion.

When, Su Chen heard that his sister is not going home with him.He instantly felt abandoned by her.

But, Suzain managed to coax him.And Su Chen, now a guy with a sister-complex couldn't bear to refuse her.

In the end, Suzain suggested that he stay at Old Frost Manor with her.

She was sure that Maxwell wouldn't have any objections.

As for Albert, there was no need to ask for his opinion.

That's why, after she got discharged. Suzain directly went to Old Frost Manor with Albert and Su Chen to give Maxwell A SURPRISE.