"Follow the Phoenix!" shouted Fan. He ushered his horse forward, and the five thousand soldiers followed him. "CHARRRRGGGGEEEEEE!" 

The five thousand soldiers roar behind Fan and followed him into battle. 

"She's giving them moral support," said Left Prime Minister, excitedly.

"She's giving us hope," said Commander Wang. 

"Yes. She is," said Prince Regent. "Who is this lady? I must find out who she is," he thought. As far as he knows no one in the Qian's bloodline is a phoenix. In fact, none of them knows magic. He knows that the Commander Qian's granddaughter was sent to live in the mountain. But it was due to because she was sick. Was it to hide the fact that she have the phoenix's power? Have they kept it a secret this whole time? 

The phoenix let out another loud screech as it floats high up in the sky. 

"Commander Wang," said Prince Regent. 

"Yes, Prince Regent," said Commander Wang.

"Get your best scout and find out about Commander Qian's granddaughter."


"I want to know everything about Elisa Qian."


Commander Wang whistle and one of his secret man appeared before him. "You heard his highness."

"Prince Regent, shouldn't we get ready?" asked Left Prime Minister.

Prince Regent nodded. 

"Prince Regent?" questioned Commander Wang. 

He clenches his fist tightly. Although this is not something he would do, this time he had to make an acceptation. "Get everything prep and ready to flee," said Prince Regent. At a time like this he must not hesitate. He must think that he is only doing it for the Zhu's kingdom. 

"Hurry you fools," said Left Prime Minister. 

"ROOOOOOAAAAARRRR " screeched the phoenix.

"Let's win this war," said Rosie.

Prince Regent hearing the echoes of her voice, eye's widened. His face lit up.

"We're ready," said Left Prime Minister.

"Wait," said Prince Regent, holding up his hand. 


"Only get things ready. Don't leave yet."


"Getting things ready, doesn't mean we're leaving yet."

"What!" exclaimed Left Prime Minister.

"Left Prime Minister, if there still a chance to win this war, I will not give up the chance."

"You still-You still think we can win."

Prince Regent nodded. "Yes. If she is able to break through to the two flanks, it would still give us a chance."

"You're correct, Prince Regent," said Commander Wang. 

"If she is able to give us even a small amount of opportunity, we will take it."

"Are you sure?" asked Left Prime Minister. 

Prince Regent nodded again. "Yes. We wouldn't give up a chance like this."

"I agree," said Commander Wang.

"Ready our side as well. If there's an opening, take it!" 

Commander Wang nodded. "Ready his highness horses," he shouted.

"Yes, Commander Wang," said one of the solider. He ran along and grabbed Prince Regent's black horse. 

The remaining soldiers were all standing on the sideline ready to get into battle. They were all high in spirits as they saw the phoenix on their side. They were ready for one more last fight with their dying breath. 

"Your horse is ready, Prince Regent," said Commander Wang. 

Prince Regent nodded. He looked at the woman inside of the phoenix. He said, "It's even higher chance of winning this war if she breaks through the third flanks." 

"The odds are against us now."

"Yes. What a twist of fate indeed."

"She's quiet a miracle, wouldn't you say, your highness?"

"Yes. Indeed she is. A miracle full of blessings."

Left Prime Minister stared at the phoenix gliding in the sky. 

The enemies soldiers were all staring at the phoenix in nervousness. 

Rosie exclaimed, "ABLAZE!"

Her phoenix nodded. "Yes, Princess." The phoenix said it in a voice that only Rosie heard. 

"Let's light them on fire." 

The Phoenix spread her wings and lit herself on fire and burned the first flank of soldiers into flames.

Prince Regent's cold face lit up in shock. 

Commander Wang gasped in shocked as well. 

"What! She took down the first flank," said Left Prime Minister. He was trying to catch his breathe as he was amaze.

Prince Regent frowns as he didn't know that the Phoenix was going to have this much power. He have heard of stories of how magnificent the creature would be, but he never thought it be this amazing. 

"Scorch," said Rosie. Her hands moved swiftly as she summons another magic spell. 

The phoenix burnt one of the general into crisp.

"Spinning death!" Rosie's hands again moved quickly as she summoned another magic spell. 

Her phoenix spun into a fast fireball and sent the waves of soldiers into the air. The enemies went flying everywhere. They were all screaming in all directions as their flank were broke apart. 

"Oh! Oh my god! She took out the second flank!" exclaimed Commander Wang.

"Let's break through," said Rosie. "Spark!" Her hands again moved more complicated than last, quickly summoned another magic. 

Her Phoenix nodded. She flew high up into the sky and inhaled sharply. The wind was being drawn into her beak. 

The enemies were trying to hold their ground as they try not get suck in. 

"Release!" shouted Rosie. She swing her hands of release of her magic. 

Her phoenix let out a huge flame that set the sky ablaze like firework.

Prince Regent's eyes widened in shock. He had never seen such a powerful force before. He smirked with one of his dimples showing. This is it! This is the chance he's waiting on! 

"That's the signal! That's the signal!" shouted Commander Wang.

"CHARRRGGGE!" shouted Prince Regent. On his black horse he led the remaining of his soldiers towards the enemies.