Blazing temptation

She guided him to the living room, where he sank into the plush sofa with a weary sigh.

"Can I get you something? A drink, maybe?" she offered, her voice soothing.


"No, I just need... I don't know," he muttered, closing his eyes. "I just need to relax."


Bianca sat beside him, her hand gently rubbing his back. "I can help with that," she whispered, leaning closer. Her breath was warm against his ear, her touch sending a shiver down his spine.


He opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. The look she gave him was one of understanding, of an unspoken promise. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his in a tentative kiss. He didn't pull away; instead, he let himself get lost in the moment and in the comfort she offered.


As the kiss deepened, Bianca's hands moved to his shoulders, easing the tension there. She pulled away slightly, her eyes searching for his. "Let me take care of you, Benjamin. You need this."