Rioting Slaves

The Mary Geoise is divided into three parts.

The core part is the Celestial Dragons Paradise, where the Celestial Dragons' mansion is located. 

Even high-ranking officials find it difficult to enter here.

Outside the Celestial Dragons paradise is a group of houses where the families of World Government officials live.

These heroes who contributed to the rule of the World Government were authorized by the Celestial Dragons to bring their wives and children to live on the outskirts of Mary Geoise.

Beyond these two parts, the last and most peripheral part was where the slaves lived.

Some of these slaves were imprisoned underground, trying their best to turn gears and artificially pull the stairs.

Some slaves were locked up in the Colosseum and worked as Gladiators.

After many of them were captured, they would never be able to see the sun again, even if they died.

Either they died of hunger on the ground, or they suddenly died of fatigue.

Or maybe they froze to death because of their thin clothes or contracted a nasty disease in this harsh environment.

No one will speak out to the people in authority for these poor slaves.

Even if some of these slaves died quietly, no one would pay attention.

Human life is like a piece of grass here. This terrifying and indifferent view of life is extremely conspicuous in this place.

In the eyes of every slave, there is no hope but only numbness.

Their companions are always dying around them, but everyone seems to be taking it for granted.

Rather than living in this scorching hell, it would be better to be reincarnated as soon as possible.

If nothing else happens, the slaves will end up waiting for death in pain.

Until this day…

"These damn devils!"

Hiding in a remote corner, Fisher Tiger gritted his teeth and looked at the Celestial Dragons walking on the street with his eyes full of hatred and anger!

"Brother Tiger, it's important to save our compatriots first."

Jinbei was equally angry, but he had a calmness that was beyond his age. He put a hand on Tiger's shoulder to signal him to calm down.

Soon, the two composed their emotions and sneaked toward one of the city's tallest buildings, the Colosseum!!

The battles here are not only composed of beasts but also various slaves. Occasionally, Celestial Dragons will let their slaves die.

It can be said that the slaves here in the Colosseum were concentrated and relatively strong. The goal of Fisher Tiger and Jinbei is to liberate the slaves here first.

After Tiger and Jinbei knocked out several guards, they put on their disguise and sneaked in.

Then they went to the kitchen to change into the clothes for serving meals and waited for the right time to push the dining cart to the cell where the slaves were kept.

They don't know whether it was God's favor or whether nothing had happened here in the past eight hundred years, but the two of them successfully sneaked into the underground prison where slaves were kept in the Colosseum.

Then, they quietly deal with the patrolling guards and sneak into the slave's cell.

Jinbei found the key from the Guard's pocket, and the two men's actions miraculously went smoothly.

After quietly dealing with the guards, Tiger and Jinbei distributed the keys to the slaves.

The slaves whispered their thanks, and different emotions began to appear in their eyes.

The depressing underground prison was replaced by the slave's cry of joy.

"Everyone, listen to me. To get out of this hell, we are not enough. We have to save more people. Are you willing to make a big fuss here with me?"

Tiger found a giant ax somewhere, raised it high, and said to all the slaves.

"Of course, Saviour!"

"Even if we die, we must make those Celestial Dragons pay the price!"

"Kill those demons."

"Saviour, we will listen to you!"


The slaves also roared suppressedly.

"We need to make this place chaotic so that we have a higher chance to escape, set fires, take hostages... The most important thing is to free more slaves and use all means to stir up chaos in the Mary Geoise!"

Tiger calmly ordered the slaves.


The slaves walked out of the prison with suppressed hatred and anger. They wanted to vent their anger and take revenge on all the Celestial Dragons even if they died!!

"Huh... Huh..."

"Ah, what do you lowly slaves want to do?"

"Become free!!"

"Brothers, let these bastards pay the price!"

"Set everything on fire!!"

"St. Chris is still inside; hurry in and save him; if something happens to him, we will all have to die!!"

"Hahaha, burn it! Burn this dirty place to the ground!!"

The Mary Geoise soon became chaotic, with slaves setting fire and killing people everywhere.

There were fighting scenes everywhere.

Some slaves liberated their compatriots, while others vented their hatred, making an unprecedented turmoil broke out!

Tiger and Jinbei took the lead in the battle. After rescuing the slaves, they began to set everything on fire.

However, they soon discovered that many slaves did not follow the plan at all.

Slaves have been oppressed for too long!!

Now, they just want to vent the hatred and anger in their heart.

Even if they die in the next second, they will launch crazy revenge against the Celestial Dragons and the World Government.

So, except for a few calm slaves and fishmen, who follow Tiger and Jinbei's plan to rescue more slaves.

Most of the slaves actually launched an almost crazy charge toward the place where the Celestial Dragons and World Government officials lived.

Inside an iron cage, three young girls huddled pitifully in a cold corner.

"Sister, will we die..."

"No, it will be fine; everything will be fine."

The black-haired girl comforted the other little girl, but her own eyes were full of despair.

Ever since the mark of the Celestial Dragons slave was branded on her back, it would be impossible to escape from here forever.

At this moment, a sharp and rapid siren pierced the night sky.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

Immediately, the entire area seemed to explode and boil completely.

Because this is an alarm that has never sounded in hundreds of years.


"The slave escaped and started a riot!!"

The messy footsteps of the guards sounded as they ran towards the direction of the flames.

The three girls opened their eyes in disbelief. Is there really someone brave enough to barge into World Government territory?


On the other side, Tiger took the lead in killing two guards with one blow while the powerful wind blew away the other guards.

Jinbei looked at the gun-wielding guards swarming around and said coldly: "Fish-Man Karate: Arabesque Brick Fist!"



Rows of guards were blown away and fell to the ground helplessly by the force transmitted through the water vapor.

Tiger and Jinbei took the key from the unconscious Guard, opened the iron cage, and freed the slaves.

"Everyone runs outside! Hurry!"

"Follow the other prisoners and escape together!"

"Hurry up, the guards are coming!"

The rescued slaves felt like they were reborn and ran away frantically.

In the end, Jinbei felt that opening the cage with the key was too slow, so he tore open the cage's iron bars to free the slave. 


Another cage was roughly torn open, revealing the three little girls inside.

Obviously frightened by Jinbei's ferocious appearance, they huddled in a corner and hugged each other while shivering.

"It's okay..."

Jinbei walked into the cage and held out his hands.

The black-haired girl hesitated and finally placed her little hand on Jinbei's palm.

After bringing the three girls out, Jinbei glanced at the Seastone shackles on their wrists and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that they were all Devil Fruit users.

After unshackling them, Jinbei looked around and saw that the slaves were all free while the Guard's shouts and footsteps became more numerous and louder in the street.

"Let's get out of here quickly!"

Jinbei led them to escape and kicked down the brazier used to brand slaves.

The hot coals in the brazier splashed everywhere, and soon, a raging fire started.