
At this time, the Five Elders were also furious. The Holy Land that no one had dared to invade for eight hundred years was being dirty by a group of slaves today.

"What's going on?"

St. Jaygarcia Saturn looked at the CP0 kneeling in front of him and asked.

"Reporting to the Five Elders, it's Tiger and Jinbei who have liberated the slaves in the Colosseum and are now causing trouble in the Holy Land by releasing more heavy slaves!"

The CPO, kneeling on the ground, calmly replied. In just a short period of time, the CP0 had already grasped the cause of the turmoil, which shows the CP0's efficiency.

"Beasts Pirates!!"

The pupils of the Five Elders condensed at the same time.

"Is there any sign of the other Beasts Pirates? Is Kaishu or Kaido there?"

St. Topman Warcury asked seriously.

"No, only Tiger and Jinbei from Beasts Pirates have been found so far."

CP0 replied respectfully.

The Five Elders fell silent for a moment, wondering what the Beasts Pirates were doing.

Why are there only two cadres at the catastrophe level?

"Perhaps Tiger and Jinbei want to rescue the fishmen slaves and act privately."

St. Jaygarcia Saturn guessed.

"Is there any trace of the revolutionary army?" St. Marcus Mars suddenly asked.


"Go down and do your best to protect the safety of the Celestial Dragons and suppress all slaves."

St. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro ordered while holding his sword.

"Yes!" The CP0 went down to execute the order.

"The defense of the Holy Land is too lax; just two fishmen can cause too much chaos." St. Shepherd Ju Peter said lightly.

After a while, the Five Elders returned to their former calmness. The slave riots could not affect the Holy Land, let alone attract too much attention from the Five Elders.

They were more focused on the Beasts Pirates.

Why the sudden attack on the Holy Land?

Is it really for a group of lowly slaves?

The Five Elders didn't believe it was that simple.

"That guy must have some purpose."

"As long as all the slaves are suppressed, it will be the same as protecting all the Celestial Dragons. I just don't know what the Beasts Pirates want to do. Now, we can only stop them swiftly."

St. Shepherd Ju Peter's eyes became sharp as he looked at the smoke and fire outside while speaking calmly.

"No matter what they want to do, they must not be allowed to disturb Imu-sama."

"Yes, let's see what tricks they can do. Kill all the rioting slaves. It can also show the sea that the majesty of the World Government cannot be provoked!"

The Five Elders ordered the guards of the Holy Land to exterminate the slaves and sat calmly in the center to prevent other things from happening.

Tiger and Jinbei did not expect the commotion to be so big that it would affect almost all the slaves in the Holy Land.

They originally planned to make a big fuss, save as many slaves as they could, and evacuate in the shortest possible time, but they forgot the hatred of these slaves, which resulted in too much time being wasted.

Of course, there was an effect, that is, almost all the slaves in the Holy Land were liberated. In terms of numbers, they were no less than the garrison troops here, but their combat power was insufficient.

"Compatriots, if you don't want to be captured and continue to be slaves, please rush out with me!"

At this time, Tiger had no choice but to force his way through.

"Even if I die, I will never be a slave again!!"

"For freedom!!!"

"For freedom!!!"

Countless slaves launched a charge without fear of death. They knew that if they could not escape from here, what would greet them would be hell!

"Destroy the slaves!"



The slaves in the Mary Geoise fought for freedom, and the garrison suppressed them bloodyly, making a tragic war begin.

In just a moment, there's already a river of blood on the battlefield, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere!!

The sound of wailing and desperate cries was extremely tragic.


At this moment, a burst of howling sound suddenly came from the sky.


The guards looked up in confusion, but with just such a look, they were instantly stunned!

"That… that's..."

"No way!!"

"That's an island!!"

"How come there are islands falling here?"

"Golden Lion!! It must be Golden Lion!"

"Why did the Golden Lion attack Mary Geoise? Is he crazy?"

The commander's expression changed drastically as he watched the falling island.

Soon, the garrison commander's pupils shrank like pinpricks, and cold sweat suddenly flowed down.

"Alert! !"

However, this is the Red Line, after all, where the world's dominant forces are located!

Just as the guards standing on the city wall looked desperate, in the city behind them, a figure soared into the sky!

"Vacuum Cannon!!"

"Wolf Fang Impact!"

"One Sword Style: Shura World!!"

"Tempest Kick (Rankyaku)!"

"Bang, bang, bang,"


Flying Slash, Physical skills, and all kinds of means are used.

When the small island was still a kilometer or two away from them, everyone heard bursts of explosions.

The island of about three square kilometers was torn into pieces!

A large amount of gravel hit the Red Line below like raindrops, and five figures stood proudly in the sky with cold expressions while exuding a terrifying aura. With this strength, they are the hidden powerhouses in Mary Geoise.

"Why are you panicking? This is the Mary Geoise! How could there be danger?"

"Have you seen those five figures? They are all Vice-Admiral-level powerhouses sitting here!"

"With them here, there will definitely be no accidents!"

The guards looked at the commander in front of them, who had a serious look on his face.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a loud roar coming from heaven and earth!

"Hades: Heavenly Halberd!!"

A wave of energy that changed the color of the sky and the earth instantly split the clouds in the sky.

The terrifying aura came from a distance at an extremely fast speed and instantly swallowed up the five figures in the sky.

Before they even had time to scream, the five figures who had been so arrogant just now were all reduced to dregs and disappeared between heaven and earth along with the Shock wave.

Well, with five adults here, there will definitely be no accidents!

But now, it's gone!!

Guard Commander: "..."

Guard A: "Is the boss the legendary crow's beak fruit user?"

Guard B: "I think it's very possible..."


Just when the guards were panicking, and at a loss, a figure fell from the sky and hit the city officials hard.

The flawless white ground was instantly smashed into a human-shaped pit.