Who They?

I went back into my room. No, I am going to enjoy this day. My hair waved and coiled in agreement. Breakfast was pretty nice. I wonder about the next mystical I will see.

I went through the living room and saw Der gone. Credits lined the TV screen with heavy music playing in the background. I went outside.

The wind greeted my face and my cheeks glowed with its brush. I had my tan beanie on. Until I know mysticals are normal around here, I am not going to just let my hair flutter around right now.

Hm. Where to go... I just decided to go right. Down the sidewalk I go! I am not ready to go back to college yet but I have to leave in a few days. I am going to be a chemist! It's so exciting and something I love!

I stopped and pulled out a pink vial from my cargo pants pocket. I gulped down a delicious portion of it. Krea and I made it to stop my dizzy spells and it's so yummy! I took this nasty pungent stuff as well this morning. That helps too.

I glanced across the street from where I stayed. I haven't seen my neighbors in a while... Their yard was nicely decorated and inspired me to do the same with ours. My parents kept the interior nice though.

I continued my stroll and got a beep from my phone. Krea texted me. I sent her a quick message and was thinking about meeting up with her later.

I went down 5 blocks in Calicrow. I like the scenery around this place. It's suburban, and have a really pleasant atmosphere! I almost made it downtown until some kind of plasma ball whizzed by my face. I whipped around, instincts on hyper alert.

I saw a girl floating with half her body coiling with black dashed lines behind me sneering and I ran. Another plasma ball was dodged as I rounded a corner. I looked for a building to run inside but I thought I should just face her.

I don't know. A bunch of leaves rustled by and one cut me on my shoulder. Another girl was in the air... The lower half of her body was spinning like a tornado. Just leaves spinning there. She wasn't alone. There were three of them. I can't believe this.

"What do you want from me?" I yelled.

The girl that was chasing me appeared, she was kind of scary... The third girl had purple curly hair with a green aura surrounding her that looked pretty and... poisonous. What. All of a sudden I blanked out.


I woke up in a room. The three girls were looking at me. I sat up quickly and frowned.

"What did I do?" I asked...

They looked at each other and started laughing. I know that girl poisoned me OMG. Why are these girls playing with me. I am about to hit one of them...

"So, look here." Said the girl with the leaves. She shuffled them around in her hands and they made a crunching sound. She smiled.

"Your brother-"

"Wait WHAT? THIS IS ABOUT MY BROTHER! Wow." I rolled my eyes. I just saw Der, like he just came back from who knows where. What is this drama...

The girl with the purple hair said "I'm Kiki. Der... He owes us."

I just sat there.

The girl with the leaves flew to a corner of the room and flicked a leaf at me. I really tried not to move...

Plasma girl said "Here's what I want you to do."

I stood up. She tried to push me back down but I dodged and ran to the door. I heard a scraping sound on the floor and smelled something hot and metallic in the air.

"Make one more step and I'm going to burn your hair with this ball."

I remembered my nails and never had to use them on somebody. I turned around and tried not to slice her...

"Get that mess out of my face."

"Tell me where your brother is."


"We are not letting you leave." Said the girl with the leaves. She floated to another corner and flicked a leaf at me and I sliced it through the air.

"Whoa haha." She said giggling. "Looks like girl got some fight in her."

The poison girl radiated bright green and I held my breath. She looked at me and smiled. I cannot believe this. How am I going to get out of here.

"Hey look. Let me go and I will tell my brother y'all want to see him." I held my breathe again. I was a bit nauseated.

Poison girl said "Not good enough."

"Too bad." I said, letting out more air. I sealed my lips again.

"Bring us to him."

"I'm not that stupid." I rolled my eyes. They were a little loopy...

"Stay here. Girls, I will be back." She smiled and put out her hand. Her green aura rolled off her fingers towards me. I tried to hold my breath even more but the stuff done made me dizzy and I almost passed out until I heard the door knock open.

The three crazy girls frowned and were all of a sudden tied with blue rope. My brother looked at me and I ran.

We went down a hallway and saw an exit sign hanging up by a double door. We went through it and an alarm went off. Oops.

We heard footsteps behind us and scraping on the hard carpet floor... Wow they done got loose.

Der looked at me and frowned. I rolled my eyes and followed him down the sidewalk, regaining my composure. Ole girl stank. His car was parked nearby and we hopped into it and zoomed off. There was a blue ball of fire, plasma, or whatever dissipating behind us in the air...

"DER! WHAT THE HECK?" I threw my hands up like "What is going on with you and these girls..." I looked at him for an explanation.


"So what Der?"

"Yeah um..."


I looked out the window. I wanted to smack him upside the head.

"I was trying to enjoy my walk."

"Sorry. Okay okay Imma tell you..."

"Go on."

He smiled slightly. "I was at a park training and one of them came up to me and showed off. I just went to another area to train when all of a sudden one of them cut me with their magic stuff... They tried to poison me I think but I dipped and got away... They are crazy."

"Yeah." I said. "What kind of park was that? Is it normal for mysticals to be there?"

"Yes. It's actually a park for mysticals."

"OMG." I said wide-eyed. I wanted to go there. "Soo. You basically made them mad because you didn't pay them no mind."

He raised his eyebrows, eyes on the road.

"That's why they attacked me?"

I just shook my head.