Chapter 155 Yan: Orochimaru's willpower is too weak, he fainted before I could ask much.

"There is Uchiha Madara, who attacked Konohagakure and caused the disaster of the Nine-Tails Night."

Without Yan's special hint, Orochimaru instinctively sold out Obito.

He was very clear about the misunderstanding between the village and Uchiha, and he knew that Yan, as a Uchiha, would be interested in this kind of information.


It's here, but Yan still needs to do enough preparatory work, at least to act.


Seeing Yan's shocked expression and not continuing to torture his will, Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh:

"Yan-kun, I can give you all this information, as long as......"

"You keep it and tell Tsunade."

The goal was achieved, and Yan was not interested in torturing Orochimaru anymore. Orochimaru was not Danzo, and there was no fun in torturing him.

He tormented Orochimaru, besides needing information, he was testing his eye technique on Orochimaru.

Now that the goal has been achieved, why bother with him?

The genjutsu was lifted, and Orochimaru fell directly to the ground.

His body soaked in sweat, he was panting heavily. He felt his brain was about to explode, as if something was stirring inside, turning his brain into tofu brain.

Holding Orochimaru's neck with one hand, Yan changed his course to the Hokage office.

The headache was solved, and Tsunade's mood improved a lot.


Hearing the sound of someone opening the window, Tsunade frowned and was about to scold, but then she reacted. The person opening the window was Yan, not Jiraiya.

"How did you learn from Jiraiya? Is climbing windows interesting?"


Squatting on the windowsill, Yan felt very confused.

Isn't this what I learned from you and Jiraiya?

Why did you take yourself out and let Jiraiya take the blame?

"I brought you a gift."

It's funny that the two of them are meeting formally for the first time.

"Did he pass out?"

Yan shook the person he was holding and found that Orochimaru had already fainted.

It seems that the damage caused by the Will Judgment is a bit terrifying, Yan feels that he has underestimated the strength of this Genjutsu.

With Orochimaru as a test subject, Yan has a better understanding of the power of his eye techniques.

Next time he can control his strength better, it will be convenient to entertain Danzo, so he doesn't accidentally kill someone by playing too hard.

Are you kidding me?

Tsunade stood up with a frown.

"Take a good look at who this is?"

Yan casually threw Orochimaru into the Hokage office, jumped in from the window sill, and gave Tsunade a grin:

"Great, the misunderstandings between the village and the clan can finally be resolved."

"Don't tell me, this guy is the mysterious masked man who caused the Nine-Tails night."

Looking at the person who fell face down and hit the floor straight, Tsunade felt that Yan was deliberately teasing her.

This guy might have done something wrong, and Yan happened to run into him, so he took him down along the way.

"Don't you recognize him?"

Now it was Yan's turn to be surprised, Tsunade actually didn't recognize Orochimaru.

Even if you didn't see his face, you forgot about Orochimaru's chakra aura?

What on earth have you been through these years, Tsunade!!

"Should I recognize this kind of disheveled, sweaty person...."

With her hands crossed over her chest, Tsunade complained with a disgusted pout, seeming dissatisfied with Yan casually throwing people into the Hokage office.

But when she noticed the other's chakra aura, the words behind were stuck in her throat.

It seems a bit familiar.... Well, the figure is also quite familiar, this hair is also very familiar.....



Tsunade's beautiful eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, she looked at the person on the ground again and again, looked up at Yan, let go of her hands on her chest, and gestured in a flurry.

"It's Orochimaru."

Yan sighed, helplessly patting his forehead.

You Tsunade also have this kind of time, it's really rare.


At this moment, Tsunade's heart was filled with countless divine beasts galloping past, subconsciously, she blurted out the swear word she learned from Yan.

She took two steps forward, grabbed the person's clothes and lifted them up, looked carefully, confirmed that she was not wrong, Tsunade was surprised: "How did you catch him?"

Yan spread his hands, answering helplessly:

"He came to me on his own. I had some barbecue, was planning to go soak in a hot spring, and then return to prison.

As a result, I ran into him on the road, he was dressed very strangely, and I didn't expect it to be the village's rebel ninja, Orochimaru.

This guy attacked me as soon as he came up, trying to dig out my eyes, so I had to control him with Genjutsu, and by the way, I interrogated some information out of him."

"And then he passed out."


Tsunade felt like she was going to crazy, is he still Orochimaru?

He was controlled by a single Genjutsu, and even interrogated a lot of information?

Is this still the Orochimaru in her memory?

If it wasn't for the person in hand, Tsunade would even think Yan was deliberately teasing her.

Are the new generation of the village all so strong?

Tsunade had a feeling that she was getting old.



Shizune, who was sorting out files and scrolls next door, hurried over.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Tsunade with a serious expression, still holding a person in her hand whose face was unclear, Yan was standing by the wall, with a look of watching a good show.

"Send someone to invite the old man, and the two senior advisors to come over immediately."

"Wait, and Jiraiya, let him come over immediately, or I'll break his legs!!!"


Shizune was affected by Tsunade's emotions and hurriedly closed the door to make arrangements.

Tsunade casually threw Orochimaru to the side, not caring if it would hurt him, and turned to face Yan:

"What information did you extract?"

Yan raised his hand to prop up his chin, organized his language, and answered:

"A lot. This guy joined an organization called Akatsuki, came to the village for the organization's mission, wanted to find the person who betrayed the village's information, and pull them into the Akatsuki.

By the way, the mysterious masked man who single-handedly directed the Nine-Tails Night Disaster is one of the members of the Akatsuki."

"I didn't have time to ask anything else, I just rushed over. But this guy's willpower is a bit weak, he fainted directly."


Tsunade felt like she heard a joke.

Orochimaru's willpower is too weak.

Yes, it's really too weak.

Then what am I?

Tsunade wanted to pull her hair out in frustration.

"What did you do to him, did you really just control him with Genjutsu?"

"Yes, I just controlled him with Genjutsu."

Yan nodded honestly, just a few Genjutsus connected and put on, it's really that simple.

Don't say anything, I want to be quiet.

Tsunade felt inexplicably blocked.

Looking at Orochimaru's mixed gaze, a dignified Sannin, fell to this point, was knocked down by a Genjutsu from a new generation ninja of the village.

What's even more embarrassing is that he fainted.

After missing the quiet for a while, Tsunade finally calmed herself down.

Handle this matter with a proper attitude.


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