Chapter 156: As expected, the variable of Uchiha is Uchiha Yan!

It has to be said that Orochimaru is a good person. Yan was worrying about how to find clues, but Orochimaru delivered the information to the door.

He used to focus on Uchiha's Sharingan, and after becoming a rogue ninja, he still didn't change his death. Now he knows how powerful it is.

Akatsuki, a mysterious person who claims to be Uchiha Madara.

It seems that this Akatsuki is not simple.

While thinking about it, Jiraiya, who was full of alcohol and had a few lipstick marks on his face, came.

One look at this posture and you know that he went to some places to be chic.

Although being chic is not wrong, but you can't be a little restrained, tidy up and then come over?

"Tsunade, do you have something to...hic! Do you have something?"

Jiraiya drank a bit too much, his eyes were drunk, he leaned on the window sill, and let out a hiccup while speaking.

"There's nothing, you can go!!"

I'm so tired that I want to die, but you're fine, you go around being chic all day, and when you're not chic, you're a qualified milk dad.

"Cough cough!! I just went for a few walks."

Jiraiya, who knew he was guilty, had a guilty look in his eyes, and when he saw Orochimaru on the ground, he asked curiously:

"Who is this person, why is he lying here, he looks a bit familiar."

"Cough cough!!"

Yan almost laughed out loud.

Sure enough, one by one, they all failed to recognize Orochimaru at first sight. It seems that he really messed with Orochimaru a lot.

Although his mind was muddled, Jiraiya reacted much faster than Tsunade.

The person looks familiar, and the chakra aura is even more familiar!

Confirmed, it's Orochimaru!!

"No, Orochimaru he...."

Since Orochimaru chose to become a rogue ninja and fled from the village, Jiraiya has been looking for him.

But Orochimaru is too cunning, and every time he successfully avoided it.

The result is that the person he has been thinking about actually returned to the village, and it seems that he was caught and brought back.

The person was knocked out.

Did Tsunade do it?

It doesn't seem like it, Yan should be in prison, why is he here, could it be.....

Tsunade said with a serious face:

"Yan ran into him in the village, he wanted to make a move on Yan, dig out Yan's Sharingan, but was controlled by Genjutsu."

Jiraiya: "....."

Don't explain yet, let me think, my mind is a bit messy.

Orochimaru was knocked down by a Genjutsu?

Grabbing his messy white hair, Jiraiya tried hard to make himself more awake.

At this time, the door of the Hokage office was opened, and the Third Hokage and two elder advisors arrived together.

The Anbu's notification was very urgent, and the three of them didn't dare to delay, so they rushed over as quickly as possible.

As a result, they met on the road, so they came to the Hokage office building together.

"Tsunade, you are so anxious to let Anbu notify us, is there anything important...."

Just after entering the door, the Third Hokage started to ask. Halfway through his words, he noticed that there was a person lying on the floor of the Hokage office.

And Yan, who shouldn't have been here, was leaning against the wall next to the window.

Who can tell me what's going on?

"You guys see for yourself."

Tsunade took a deep breath and sat in the chair.


The Third Hokage and the two elder advisors didn't react, and Jiraiya, who had already jumped into the Hokage office and was leaning against the wall like Yan, was staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes:

"It's Orochimaru, he infiltrated the village and was caught by Yan."


The Third Hokage almost jumped up.

The two elder advisors were also surprised to look at the person on the ground.

Although his hair was disheveled and his face couldn't be seen, this chakra breath was undoubtedly Orochimaru.

This guy dares to come back to the village?

"It's undoubtedly Orochimaru."

Tsunade said solemnly:

"This time Yan has made a great contribution, not only catching the rebel ninja Orochimaru who infiltrated the village, but also interrogating some information. I think the misunderstanding between the village and Uchiha can be resolved."

"You mean Orochimaru is related to the mysterious person from the Nine-Tails Night?"

The Third Hokage and the three people immediately understood what Tsunade wanted to express.

When it's time to take the initiative, you have to take the initiative, you can't be an invisible person, otherwise others will always treat you as an invisible person, Fugaku is the best example.

Yan took the initiative to say:

"The mysterious person who claimed to be Uchiha Madara came from an organization called Akatsuki. After Orochimaru defected, he also joined this organization.

This time he infiltrated the village on the orders of the organization, in order to recruit the person who sold the village's intelligence into the organization."

"As for more details, I'm afraid it will need further interrogation. It's a matter of great importance, so I brought Orochimaru to the Hokage office first."



I've never heard of it, but this time, Yan really made a great contribution.

As long as the identity of the mysterious person is clarified, then the misunderstanding between the village and Uchiha can be resolved.

The most terrifying thing is that Yan caught Orochimaru himself.

Others maybe don't know, but the Third Hokage and the two elder advisors know Orochimaru's strength.

Even Orochimaru, a strong ninja like the Three Ninjas, can't resist and escape from Yan, which shows how much Yan's strength has improved.

The two elder advisors sighed in their hearts, and their eyes became complicated when they looked at Yan.

The Third Hokage was silent for a moment, and sighed:

"Yan, you did a good job. I have always believed that the mysterious person from the Nine-Tails Night has nothing to do with Uchiha. It seems that it's time to vindicate Uchiha."

"Third Hokage, you are wise."

You have always believed that the mysterious person from the Nine-Tails Night has nothing to do with Uchiha?

Don't joke!

If it weren't for the seriousness of the occasion, Yan really wanted to laugh out loud.

Indeed, when it comes to shamelessness and lack of face, you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, are the best.

"No matter what, first control Orochimaru to prevent him from escaping."

Orochimaru's ability to escape is top-notch, Tsunade is very clear about this, the Third Hokage would deliberately let Orochimaru run away, but Tsunade wouldn't.

Now she is the Hokage, she has to consider for all the ninjas in Konohagakure.

Unlike before, she could favor because of the relationship and feelings between the three.

The things that happened to the Third Hokage cannot fall on her again.

At least Tsunade would not choose to favor Orochimaru.

"I'll do it."

Jiraiya, who had been silent all the time, still decided to take the initiative.

He also didn't want Orochimaru to run away, he still had a lot of questions to ask Orochimaru.

It's not difficult to control a person who has already fainted.

It's just that Orochimaru, who was controlled, showed no signs of waking up, which made the Third Hokage frown.

What has this guy been through?

Tsunade also looked back at Yan, Yan shrugged, innocently spread his hands:

"Don't blame me, he attacked me and wanted to dig my eyes, I had to control him.

It's just that the Genjutsu I used can destroy a person's will and hurt his soul, so Orochimaru fainted, splashing some cold water can wake up, but he probably will have a headache for a while."


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