Chapter 181: True Identity? Modern War Military Theory!


Zheng Cheng looked down, Shi He was not far away in the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique, but rather beside him.

To be exact, he was... under his feet!

This Priest, Shi He the Zombie General, actually had earth escape abilities!


There was an explosion, and the ground beneath Zheng Cheng's feet suddenly tore apart, a dark blue torso-figure surged out instantly.

Both claws flashed with a mysterious icy light, carrying a massive force towards Zheng Cheng!

And the attack was sinister, it aimed for his lower abdomen.

Too bad, Shi He's speed was indeed fast, but not faster than Zheng Cheng's.

With just a lift of his foot, he stomped down viciously in the direction Shi He had emerged from.


His foot landed directly on Shi He's shoulder, pushing down the figure that had enthusiastically burst out back into the ground.

Shi He's half-body was stamped down by Zheng Cheng with even greater speed.

With one foot rolled, Shi He let out a miserable cry.