Chapter 192 New Alien Battlefield? Illegitimate Child?

Accompanied by a violent roar, the ice sculpture suddenly exploded.

A hot wave rolled over, and Zhang Meiyu's figure burst out of it.

Her claws were incredibly sharp, her pupils seemed to burst into flames as she rushed towards Yao Zhixue recklessly.

"Yao Zhixue... I will kill you!!!"


The teacher guarding the array shouted in anger, but Zhang Meiyu acted as though she hadn't heard, continuing her attack on Yao Zhixue.

Yet, Yao Zhixue didn't make a single move, just stood there watching her coldly.


The next moment, a buzzing sound emerged from the array protecting the stage.

A light curtain descended from the sky, completely enveloping Zhang Meiyu.

No matter how she tried to break out, she could not breach the light curtain.

The teacher in charge of the protection array!

At that moment, he held an array disk, controlling the entire array.