Chapter 255 LV9's Home Crystal!

"Fuck! Brother Cheng rocks! He even managed to kill such a massive bug!"

"Brother Cheng, hurry over!"

"Brother Cheng!"

A little distance away, inside their homeland crystal, the Zhuo brothers hollered and shrieked.

But Zheng Cheng didn't rush over immediately; instead, he turned around and began attacking the surrounding Flying Thunder Dragons and Sandworms.

Zhuo Wu asked in confusion, "Why isn't Brother Cheng coming over?"

"Are you stupid? Isn't Brother Cheng doing this for us? Look at all those alien beasts around us, they're all six-star level. Have you forgotten our past experiences?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Wu shuddered instinctively.

Half a month ago when they had just arrived here, they thought of venturing out to scavenge for resources.

And who would've expected they'd bump into a Sandworm.

Even with both of them teaming up, they were no match for the worm and ended up being chased around by it, hollering and screaming for help.