Chapter 293: Plague Outbreak! The Calamity of Clan Extinction!_1

Scout Camp No. 69.

This camp was situated between the territories of the Humans of the Wilderness and the Cave Beastmen, located at the edge of the Splendid Forest.

It housed over ten Human Professionists, as well as a company of ordinary Humans.

To support the march of the main force and to surround and kill the Human Race Trial Participants who had fallen within their territory, the Jackal Werewolf Tribe, the Blood Jackal Wolves had turned their sharp fangs towards this place.

Exterminate the Humans at Scout Camp No. 69, capture this place, and they would sever the essential path the Human Trial Participants must take to return to the world of humanity!

By then, all the Human Race Trial Participants within the territory of the Cave Beastmen would be trapped like turtles in a jar.

Over a thousand Jackal Werewolves had already stormed into the camp, where a considerable number of Human Professionists were fighting fiercely, battling in blood.