Chapter 297: Military Patronage? The Plague Spreading Throughout the Military!_1

At the border of the Wind-Speaking Prairie and Ruin City, a massive military camp had emerged.

Over four hundred thousand Cave Beastmen had gathered here, their ferocity rising to the heavens.

Jackal Werewolves, Hyena Men, Dogmen, along with some Lizard-men, Mastiff Men, Bat-men, and more.

Around the military camp were numerous smaller camps, hosting vast numbers of Dogmen, Ratkin, goblins, and other lesser tribes.

Altogether, the number of troops in the entire tribal military camp was at least seven to eight hundred thousand!

Inside the main tent of the camp, more than ten Jackal Werewolf clan chiefs and Sacrificers were assembled for a meeting.

There were also many tribe chiefs from the smaller tribes of Ratkin, goblins, Dogmen, enjoying strong liquor, roasted meat, and fruits, all loudly discussing various matters.