Chapter 306: The Bizarre Charming Beast! The Bizarre World!_1

"LV79... am I still not strong enough?"

Zheng Cheng opened his personal attribute panel and looked at his impressive stats: 630 points in Physique, 280 in Power, 408 in Agility, and 625 in Spiritual Attribute, he still shook his head.

"The total attribute points are 1943, and that's after I added the three levels I've just gained to my Spiritual Attribute points."

"Nearly two thousand base attribute points, normally more than the combined total of two LV100 Nine Star Professionists."


Zheng Cheng said, "The enemies I'm facing now are the powerful members of the Cave Beastmen Tribe, including LV69 and even LV79 Professionists."

"Some have strange racial talents, some have lived for dozens of years and definitely possess powerful Props, while others might have pets or servants to assist them."

"And I... only have these sub-two-thousand attribute points!"

Zheng Cheng gritted his teeth and glanced at the Realm Breaking Task.