Chapter 375: Dragon Saliva Fruit? Breakthrough to LV69!_1

After the maid summoned by the Tribute Enchantress left, Zheng Cheng suddenly asked, "By the way, Your Highness, do you have any more Dragon Saliva Fruit?"

"Dragon Saliva Fruit?"

Bao Ying asked in surprise, "We do have some, but Lord Masak, what do you need it for?"

"You already possess the Body of the Black Dragon; the Dragon Saliva Fruit has no effect on you..."

Zheng Cheng thought to himself, "The reason why this group of Blue Star People entered the Black Dragon Abyss this time is precisely for the Dragon Saliva Fruit."

"I want to use the Dragon Saliva Fruit as bait to lure and kill that group of Blue Star People Professionists!"

Bao Ying's eyes lit up, "Worthy of being Lord Masak, I'll just let someone... never mind, the Dragon Saliva Fruit is very precious, I'll go get it for you."

As she spoke, she even threw Zheng Cheng a seductive wink, "Please wait here for a moment..."