Chapter 379 Encounter Battle! The Terrifying Divine Arts!_3

Cui Xiabing's mind raced, and he quickly assessed the environment around him, "It seems the only option is to use 'that'."

"Only with my intervention can we buy some time for everyone."

"By then, whether it's Xiong Pi, Jiang Jingkui, Xiao Zi, or even Du Chang, they'll all have the chance to make a move."

"To kill this group of Seductive Snake Demon Tribe..."


Just then, a fierce roar suddenly came from the sky behind the Seductive Snake Demon Tribe, as an extremely massive figure swiftly divided.

"Lord Masak!"

Mio cried out in surprise, her eyes filled with excitement.

"Humans! Lord Masak has arrived, surrender promptly! Otherwise, once captured, everyone except for the woman of Shepherd Tree People lineage will be transformed into Snake Demon Puppets!"

Snake Demon Puppets.

This was one of the most evil sorceries mastered by the Seductive Snake Demon Tribe, merging humans with venomous pythons to create Snake Demon Puppets that were even more cruel and powerful.