Chapter 378 AIDS Infection Technique LV3 Features!_2

The Dora before his eyes contained both the Black Death virus and the AIDS virus.

After suffering severe injuries from the evil eye's attack, she finally couldn't suppress the viruses within her body, and they erupted.

The AIDS virus destroyed her physical constitution, significantly lowering her immunity.

And the Black Death virus spread throughout her body in a very short time.

Under the assault of the dual viruses, Dora struggled for just a few minutes before she stopped breathing.

"Such a powerful virus... or should I say... the proficiency has increased?"

Zheng Cheng's mind stirred as he looked towards the Black Death Outbreak Technique and the AIDS Infection Technique.

Sure enough, the levels of these two mutant abilities had all increased!

Black Death Outbreak Technique, LV5.

And the AIDS Infection Technique, on the other hand, was at LV3, awakening a special trait!

[Your skill AIDS Infection Technique has advanced to LV3.]