
It was around 07:30 p.m when Patrick went downstairs for some fresh air after checking on Evan who was still fast asleep.

After making sure he was still sleeping Patrick went downstairs.

After around 5 minutes of Patrick leaving the room , Evan woke up he looked around the room and there was no one.he thought of Lucas once again and wanted to call him so he got up from the bed and looked for his phone everywhere but it was no he went out of the room with heavy footsteps feeling dizzy he got to the reception counter and called Lucas's number ,but no one answered the phone ,after trying 3 times from this number and still not getting an answer , Evan dialed Lucas's number from a different telephone but still no answer .

On the other hand Patrick came back to the room and saw Evan was not there ,he came out of the room looking everywhere and finally found Evan in front of the reception counter frantically dialing someone's number.

What are you doing Evan ,Patrick asked walking towards him.

Me ,i am calling Lucas , but he isn't answering his phone ,can you call him for me , Evan asked tears welling up in his eyes.

Umm,Evan let's get you to your room first and then i will call Lucas for you okay, Patrick said panicking.

What are you hiding from me Patrick,why is Lucas not here when everyone else came ,he is my boyfriend now then why is he not here ,he told me he loves me ,WHY IS HE NOT HERE. Evan yelled .

EVAN calm down ,i told you na everything is fine ,calm down ,i will call Lucas okay, shh stop ,breath deeply and calm down,Patrick said trying to get close to Evan

No i will not calm down ,tell me where is Lucas ,i got in an accident last night then why is he not HERE,i know something happened right ,what happened to my LUCAS , WHERE IS HE, Evan asked .

i ....i ...will find him myself ,he must be in the cafe right now working ,let me go and see him myself ,i don't need any of you,Evan said frantically trying to run away but Patrick held him in a tight hug.

Calm down ,Evan please i beg you Patrick said but Evan was trying his best to run away ,the nurse came and injected Evan on his neck making him unconscious.

Patrick held him there for a moment crying while hugging Evan .

It's afternoon again and after checking on Evan the nth time , the doctor had told Patrick that Evan will wake up in the evening so Patrick decided to go out for a small walk and come back quickly.

When Patrick came in Evan's room again after 20 minutes he again found his bed empty ,he checked the bathroom and it was empty as well Patrick panicked and called the nurse who was incharge of Evan .

Where is my brother , Patrick yelled .

S...sir ,he was there when i left i just left 5 minutes ago to get him a new iv bag ,the nurse said nervously.

Evan , Evan ,patrick Started calling Evan's name not wasting his time on the useless nurse ,they went to the operating system of all CCTV system and asked them to check where Evan went .after 2 minutes the guy operating the systems told them that Evan in the last CCTV camera was seen going to the terrace.

Oh shit, Patrick yelled and ran to the terrace as fast as he could.

His family also heard and everyone went to the terrace to make Evan calm down .

Evan ,come down ,what are you doing there.patrick yelled seeing Evan standing on the railings trying to get close to him .

Stop right there Patrick or i will jump Evan said threatening him.

No Evan my son calm down okay , don't do anything foolish.his mother said trying to calm him down.

Either you people tell me where my Lucas is or i will jump from here, Evan said.

No no Evan don't son ,please come down , his uncle said crying.

Did Lucas also get into an accident ,is he badly injured,is that why you are not telling me anything about him or letting me meet him, Evan asked crying hard .

No no Evan , Lucas is alright ,i...i swear he didn't get in an accident. His father said giving Evan his hand to come down.

Then why are you not letting me meet him,what's wrong ,i am asking you all, Evan yelled .

He said he loves me he really loves me papa ,do you know he agreed to be my boyfriend yesterday night and now you are not letting me meet my boyfriend why, Evan asked panicking.

Evan come down son ,i...i swear i will tell you everything but only if you come down ,so please take my hand okay, his father said getting close to his son.

Promise?, Evan asked .

Promise,now come down. his father said and Evan came down from the railings but still standing very close to them.

What is it ,tell me Evan demanded.

Evan ,listen to dad carefully okay don't panic ,that night when you got into an accident Lucas got kidnapped by someone and you tried to save him that's why you got into an accident.

Evan's eyes widened when he heard what happened .

Then why are you all here, it's just been one day ,we can still find him easily ,what are you doing here Patrick,call our men and police it's not been that much time ,we will get him back soon . Evan said looking at Patrick who was crying there not doing anything.

His fatg got hold of his son and pulled him away from the railings.

Answer me damn it, Evan yelled and attacked Patrick with a punch making him fall down.

Evan calm down ,we are trying our best to search for Lucas, Patrick said holding Evan's hands.

I don't see you doing anything ,it's hardly been 24 hours Patrick we can find him easily if you are trying even a bit . Evan said .

It's not only been 24 hours Evan ,it's been 3 months since Lucas got kidnapped and you got into that accident you have been in coma for 3 months . Patrick yelled while crying loudly .

I have been searching for him for 3 months ,please believe me i am doing everything i can . Patrick said placing his head on his knees crying away all the tears he had been holding in these three months.