Happiness Shared

They hadn't done anything else since they slept with one another. 

Kind of. 

Once permission was given to use one another, Rachel and Ethan stopped holding back. There wasn't much else to do except explore the city and spend time in bed. 

While they were out, Ethan would grab Rachel's hand so he wouldn't lose her in a crowd. He would abruptly let her go once they were in a less crowded area as if he realized what he was doing. 

Sometimes his actions made Rachel wonder who was the alpha and what had happened to her to allow him to take the lead so often. 

Since that night, they often warmed each other's beds, though not all the time. Occasionally they would sleep apart and one of them would wind up next to the other one at some point in the night. Other times, they would simply sleep separately and there was no room to take offense to it.