One Week

Miss Marcaida stood outside, leaning against a cement building on a rooftop as she looked up at the city lights around her. 

On her right hand was a rubber glove holding a lit cigarette to her red lips. She also had a coat over her body that she didn't particularly care for even though it was warm outside.

That was therapy for her. 

Since no psychologist could even touch the issues she had because of the military, her job, and her complicated life, little things like smoking a cigarette or working hard in the gym were the only ways she knew how to relieve her stress. 

Inhale the good, exhale the bad. 

A few more times. 

The door around the corner from her opened and she dropped the cigarette to the ground, squishing it with her heel and throwing the glove in a nearby trash can. 

She undid her coat.

"Smoking again?" a voice said to her. 

Serena rolled her eyes and glanced at the man walking towards her.