Cruel World

When Sophia was finally discharged from the hospital, they returned to the Morelli Villa to pack up a few last-minute things before going to their next destination. 

Before they could leave, Gus knew he needed to come clean to the other two. Since Sophia found out so easily, it was only a matter of time before the other two found out. 

He didn't want an environment where they didn't trust him. 

While Sophia was resting in her room, Gus asked Rachel and Ethan to come to the office downstairs once they finished packing. 

The two met in the hallway. 

"Do you know what he needs?" Rachel asked cautiously. 

"I don't know more than you do," Ethan said. "Something feels off, though. Whatever going on with Sophia feels like a bigger deal than the hospital said it was. Why did she collapse like that?" 

Rachel went out on a limb and placed her hand on Ethan's shoulder. He was a good friend.