Their New Beginning

All Sophia saw outside were lush, green hills and seemingly ancient towns tucked into unexpected places. The weather was also pristine. 

It was the perfect day to travel.

Ethan and Rachel pulled themselves together enough to keep going. They were resolute in following Gus and Sophia to the ends of the Earth. 

It was far less difficult to track someone on a train so that was their choice of transportation going south. It was the first step in their disappearance.

Exercising his connections, Gus managed to get the four of them a train car by themselves so they wouldn't have to face anyone else. He reasoned that Sophia was probably fragile due to the situation. He also didn't want someone to recognize their faces in case anyone ever looked for them.

Even in death, Luca's money went a long way. It helped that some of his accounts were under other people's names. They were as good as untraceable because of it.