Chapter 5

( Maria ☼) - ( song for this chapter:if you love her, speed up )

I woke up and checked on Autumn, he was still sleeping like a little sheep. I prepared breakfast and got dressed, I wore my pink top with a black skirt, and my leather boots and untied my hair on my shoulders. 

I woke up Autumn, he rubbed his eyes and said:" g-good morning miss"... I said:" good morning sweetheart, I made you breakfast and Lucas is coming soon". Autumn followed me to the kitchen as he was still in his pyjamas, I got him a pillow to sit on so he could reattach the table better. He asked me in a very different tone: "miss? Lucas happy?"… I looked at him in shock, why would a child ask this all of a sudden? I answered: "umm….yes he is why are you asking?"..he looked at me and said: "No miss he is not happy…. I can…..I-I-I "…..he stopped leaving me speechless…does this child know something I don't know?.. I said with a weird smile:" uhhh…. You can tell me anything sweetheart, I'm like your older sister ". He didn't answer me and looked at his food, he smiled at me and said: "nothing miss…but please don't hurt Lucas okay?"… I was confused by what Autumn was saying, I thought maybe he just liked Lucas too much, and that was why he said all this nonsense... 

I smiled at him, and right then I heard a knock on the door. I got up and saw Lucas, he was standing right in front of the door and looked pretty tired... I didn't pay much attention to it because I was sure he just slept terribly last night. Lucas was the quiet type of guy and I didn't want to get him out of his comfort zone. I said with a smile: "hey morning! You look pretty tired, didn't you sleep last night?". Lucas looked at me with a little smile and put his hands in his pockets and said:" you could say so"… we looked at each other for some moments before Autumn interrupted the awkward silence with a hug to Lucas and said: "yayyy!!! Lucas is here !! Lucas is here!" I grabbed my bag and said:" I'm going to school ,Autumn ate his breakfast and was ready to have fun with you today". "Bye my love, have a good day". He said with a smile and picked up Autumn.

I got outside the house…I lied to Lucas …I wasn't planning to go to school today…. I planned to meet Alex a really rich guy in my class, Lucas wasn't in my class so I could have my little fun without him knowing, Lucas is an amazing boyfriend but .. he is pretty boring and too overprotective and I hate it. 

I arrived at the coffee shop and saw Alex there waiting for me just like we planned. I sat down on the chair on the other side of the table of him. He smirked at me in a way that made me uncomfortable but I just smiled at him. We started chatting about many different things but he got straight to the point and said: "can I kiss you?" I said: "what!?" He said with a smirk on his face: "come on a kiss won't hurt you, I don't bite and…I know that you did worst things "... I just wanted to kiss him but something inside me said it was a bad idea...Alex was a handsome tall guy and all the girls in the school were dreaming of dating him. I thought it was not every day I could go on a date with someone rich and handsome. I got closer for the kiss…his lips were really soft and I could feel his heart beating when I put my hands on his chest…he put his hands on my head and the other on my waist….

Right then the unexpected happened…Lucas and Autumn seemed to be going on a walk….Lucas saw me and ran towards us…he said with a cracking voice:" w-w-why….Maria why….what have I done to you to cheat on me like this". He started crying in front of everyone like crazy….he seemed to have a mental breakdown... I took the opportunity to take a video of him crying in secret, I can't let him destroy my life by knowing this secret….no one can know how many people I dated at the same time….Lucas started crying uncontrollably and said: "I - I - I haven't done anything wrong…I - I - I was there for you when your parents got divorced, I- I -I sacrificed many things for you M-maria…I was always the person there for you…w-why ".he started rubbing his chest for air as he was still crying.."m-m-Maria….tell me have I d-done something wrong?..did I hurt you in any way before?... I tried my very best Maria..please…tell me I deserve this!?… Who was the first person you called when you saw Autumn..!? It was me! I was there every time you were sad and needed a friend…and needed love…I-I needed love too…. But you just…abandoned me… you- you are a brat do you know that!?…. You are a really ungrateful girl!…you haven't asked me ever if I was okay…you never sent me a message saying how much you care for me or even texted me first …you never even asked me what I felt about anything".

I was shocked by what Lucas said, Was I actually a brat?… I said in a nervous voice:" I'm sorry...I thought you didn't want to talk about things that bothered you … how you felt and stuff…but I will in the future okay?". He looked at me while still rubbing his chest:" in the future huh!?….there is no future…I imaginedmy whole life with you Maria…. I thought you respected me... I thought I was loved for once in my life…I thought...I thought you would never hurt me…and I'll tell you you know how many times you hurt me…..It's not just about this".He let out a little sad giggle and continued saying: "Do you remember yesterday….you didn't even ask further about why I didn't eat….or..this morning when you saw me tired and didn't ask never asked me about why I was quite…you never ask about my dreams….you never even ask me about this deep scars on my stomach, arms, and back ….you have never cared about me in any way!".

I stayed quiet not knowing what to answer...Alex was shocked as well…he looked at me and said he was going... I looked at the floor not knowing what to say but I tried my best to comfort Lucas and replace what was broken so I said: "Lucas, I'm sorry…I should have listened to you…..I know I was wrong but…you should have told me something".Lucas looked at me and said: "tell you something?…you were my friend and love...I shouldn't have to ask you to care about me!". I was not sure what I was supposed to say …I said: "I can't read your mind…I'm a human like you". He screamed at me and said: "you are never there when I needed you… don't even know what being poor and cold alone on the streets means…I know tho…you haven't slept hungry on the streets before….but I did…you haven't even asked yourself why I cared about you, not because I just love you but….I know what being lonely feels like…I know what it feels like to be ignored by everyone… "

Right, then I looked at Lucas with teary eyes and said: "I'm sorry okay!?…I should have asked you something but it's too late now and I'm sorry…maybe if you had told me I would-"…right then Lucas pushed me saying:" I hate you, Maria! I hate you so much right now!" . Then he ran away from both me and Autumn who was standing there like he expected what was happening right now…
