Chapter 10

( Maria ☼) 

After I had tried to get in contact with Lucas but didn't get a response I had to have another plan to make Autumn behave the way I wanted. I started to slowly take his toys away if he refused to do what I wanted, like helping me with house chores or just simply staying quiet in his room. He became the quiet kid I wanted him to be, he talked about how much he missed Lucas and would go to him one day. He still locked himself in his room most of the time. I was sick and tired of his behavior and his ungrateful attitude towards me…

One day I was really tired and stressed because of school and other things such as work. Autumn was in his room like always…I walked into the kitchen and saw many broken plates on the floor, I got angry and got to Autumn's room and started hitting him... I felt guilty but…he deserved it because I couldn't afford new plates...Autumn started crying and telling me how much he hated me and wished I was dead …. His words got into my heart like a knife …I got out of his room and I left him crying on the floor.

I really didn't know what to do because I wanted to be a good person but something inside of me stopped me…I cried in my room after what I did because I knew what I did wasn't okay... I was helpless and stressed... I needed Lucas but I knew I had destroyed him and…he would never talk to me ever again the worst part was that it was all my fault…

The next day I saw Sally in school, I heard that she was talking to Lucas and visited him for some reason I didn't know…. But I still felt jealous. He was mine one day after all…. I went to Sally who was standing in the whole way just to annoy her and said: " Hey are you enjoying my boy? You know he was mine once and he loved me first, he was like a ring on my finger". I giggled just to annoy her more and said: " You do realize he would never love you because you are just a poor little girl who is lonely and sad". She looked at the floor and said quietly: " Please let me go to my lesson…please…and Lucas is broken enough from you….just leave me and him alone please Maria.. and stop being mean to me and him…his life is getting worse because of you ….why do you hate him when he just wasn't more than nice to you….you are such a bitch for treating him like this you know?"

I was shocked but I couldn't stay quiet so I said: " You are a bitch not me! You are the one who stole my boyfriend from me! You don't even deserve him!". Sally looked me dead in the eyes and said: " Oh yeah? I don't deserve him? Isn't that your fault that he isn't in school now, isn't that you told his doctor that he was 'mentally ill' Well maybe if you cared for him and listened to his feelings you could still have him. The bad fact is I deserve him more than you because I listen to him and treat him like a human! Anyone deserves him more than you because he doesn't deserve an awful bitch like you!.."

I slapped her in the face and she fell to the floor crying…I was annoyed by her attitude and how she called me a bitch…

After I slapped her I laughed and said: "Well are you happy now, bitch?" I laughed even harder and then walked away leaving Sally on the floor crying… 
