Mission Success

Talon suddenly became aware of his words, but it was too late; silence filled the air as everyone stared at him in utter shock. 

"Look at the mess you've made, Number Nine. It's rather embarrassing, isn't it?" 

Taunted Number Eight, his malicious laughter filling Talon's mind, making it even harder for him to focus.

But that wasn't something Number Eight cared about as his sole purpose seemed to be to annoy Talon to the best of his abilities and have fun in the process. 

Talon gripped his head as the pain intensified, becoming nearly unbearable. Number Eight's relentless berating prevented Talon from concentrating or explaining himself.

"Well, your situation is truly dire, no matter how you try to spin it, Number Eight. Are you planning to spill the beans to your little friends?" Number Eight asked, his tone openly mocking.