When Shadows Strike

As all of them got into the carriage, no one could even mutter a word to the others.

Talon did not even say a single word as he was not just dead tired, but his thoughts were slow, his mind was almost empty because locking out Number Eight was taxing on his mind.

Everything was slow and dull.

But Talon couldn't even care about it at the moment.

He just closed his eyes and awaited a blissful ignorance of sleep.

The silence in the carriage was palpable, no one said anything to the others, not even Rokara who was the most chatty out of the team, yet she was deadly silent.

Talon was the one who sat closest to the window of the carriage, his mind was in turmoil but he decided not to think too hard about it, the damage was already done.

And he was never someone who could easily talk about his emotions to anyone, well, anyone but Thorn.

But he did not have even the slightest idea what she felt towards him right now.