"All Hail The Sect Leader" follows Jun Changxiao's journey as he leads his sect in the martial arts-dominated Falling Star Continent. Armed with a mysterious System, he strives to overcome personal limitations, face rivals, and navigate the intricacies of leadership. With unique disciples and secrets of ancient pills, the novel blends martial arts, strategy, and humor in a captivating cultivation tale. Jun Changxiao's pursuit of strength and greatness unfolds against a backdrop of challenges and moral dilemmas in this enthralling adventure.
First Few Chapters are not well written but I Promise you that the writing will get better as the story Progress.
5 chapter per day
1 extra chapter for every 5 power stone
All Hail The Sect Leader is a thrilling martial arts novel that seamlessly blends humor, ambition, and ancient secrets. Jun Changxiao's audacious storytelling and unexpected decision, keeps readers hooked. With a unique contribution points system and well-developed characters, this short and sweet novel promises an exciting journey into the world of sects, power, and martial arts excellence.
If compared with other system cultivation novel it is pretty good one. MC is funny and clam . His disciples are pretty overpowered and he himself in overpowered. All side characters are well developed too.