The Secret Child

Nearly two months after he had almost been blown to smithereens. Gio decided it was time to get back to business. The first order of business was getting caught up on anything Red Don related. So early Saturday morning, he left Elle, who had just gotten and fallen asleep, and made his way to one of the outside offices. The one where he had moved the majority of the Red Don files in an effort to have somewhat of a work life balance.

It took him a few hours to read all the new information that had come to light during his forced vacation. It was close to none existent, and Gio ended up spending most of the time looking for things that might have been missed the first time around and he found nothing.

Overcome by frustration he tossed one of the files had been holding( one that had been confiscated from his uncle). A tiny piece of paper fell out, had Gio not been watching, he would have missed it.