Chapter Three


My night was quite peaceful. I didn't want too much drama so I went back to my room in my bed at 4am.

I was still mad at Josh but I didn't want to give him a reason to talk to me in the morning.

"Baby..... Baby. "I heard a voice calling me. I opened my eyes slowly. It was Josh. He was holding a tray of food in front of my face. It looked like breakfast. He had a big smile on his face too.

Though I didn't want to I sat up for his tray of breakfast. I could feel the bitch face I had on but I failed to control it.

"I'm really sorry about last night....... I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I was drunk and stupid. "He told me.

"Yah..... You always seem to be. "I told him.

"I'm trying to make an effort here. "Josh told me.

"Sure because some bacon and eggs can just fix everything yah? "I replied.

"What do you want from me huh! "He asked me raising his tone.

"Give me the tray. "I told him and he gave it to me in confusion. "I don't want breakfast in bed...... I want to feel the way I did before all this shit come along you know. I want the love that we had.... Right now I don't feel like you love me anymore. "I told me.

"That's why I'm making an effort... Fuck...... What you want me to do?.... Get a time machine and just erase the whole Aria situation?...... Because its not the money or fame that got you feeling like shit.... Its her right? "Josh told me. "I can't rewrite the past. "He added. After he said what he had to I tossed his breakfast on the floor, right onto our white carpet. The glass broke and the oils and juice sunk into my favorite rug but I didn't care.

"Its not just Aria....... Its the way you talk to me....... Its like you know that I'm not going anywhere...... I have nothing like you said yesterday..... You're not even afraid to lose me anymore because of this ego you got going on....... Sorry just can't cut it you know....... I can't just forget what you did and continue doing."I told him and got off the bed heading to the bathroom.

"Mummy! "King stormed in without knocking, his little sister trailing behind him crying her lungs out.

"What happened to knocking? "I asked King before I noticed Leigh. "Leigh baby what's wrong? "I asked her as she came closer.

"Sweetheart come tell daddy what's wrong. "Josh added. What three year old would choose their father when their mother is in sight. He was getting too delusional.

"Do you want to talk about it? "I asked Leigh after I picked her off the floor. She laid her head on my shoulder with her arms wrapped around me. She stopped crying without saying anything. "Come wait for mummy to brush her teeth. "I told King extending my hand for him to hold. The three of us proceeded to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while the kids played with literally every object they could, chasing each other around.

"Mummy montes. "Leigh told me, reminding me.

"Oh yah...... Uhm..... King tell Suzie to get you and your sister ready. "I told King. Suzie was their nanny. He left with his sister and I was left alone in the bathroom. When the kids left I stepped into the shower. As the water run down my naked body all I could think about was Oktober. Him and I have been talking for two months now. We've met a couple of times but we've never gotten physical. Not even a peck on the lips. As the hot water run through my hair I could picture his hands washing my back clean. Him kissing my neck leaving a territorial mark that I was his. I could imagine feeling his penis brushing against my belly button.

"Is my dad in the car already?.... Is he going with us? "Royalty asked me. She was standing with her siblings at the outlet of the house, all of them all dressed up for montes.

"Leigh and King told you that he was coming with? "I asked Royalty and she nodded. "Well his not...... But you can if you want to. "I told her.

"Nah I'm good. "She answered and zoomed off. I still don't get the hate but I'm not stressing over an eleven year old, not now not ever.

"You two are weird. "King said when Royalty left.

"You two weird. "Leigh repeated over and over again getting excited each time.

Royalty was acting the cliche of the step child. Honestly with all these years that I spent with her, I consider her my own. I don't know what I ever did to offend or hurt her but as I said, I have greater problems.


Before we ate I took a couple of pictures for the gram.

"Can we eat now? "King asked whining.

"Yes now you can. "I answered and chuckled. After our heavy brunch I had the driver take us to a salon. King needed to get his braids redone. We didn't just go to any salon. We went to the salon that is owned Oktober. Sounds a little off but this place was luxurious.

"Hi..... Did you book an appointment? "The receptionist asked me when the three of us walked up to her.

"No no.... It was a last minute thing. "I told her.

"Braids?... A wash?.... You or the kids? "She asked me.

"A wash and braids for my son........ A wash and styling for my daughter. "I told her. She then gave me a card which indicated just were I had to go. When I followed my cards directions I found yet a familiar face at the chair King was to do his hair. It was River Samson behind the car. River is..... Was a friend of mine in highschool. We stopped being friends after Josh and I started dating. I was caught in a situation where I had to choose and I stupidly chose Josh.

"Hi....... Vanessa Foster..... Oh my God it is you hi. "River greeted me in surprising excitement. I didn't want to sour the moment so I sent back the same energy in my responses.

"Are these your kids? "She asked with a smile looking at King and Leigh.

"Yes they are..... This is King, his six and Leigh she's three. "I told her. Both the kids said hi and shook hands with her. River sat the kids down and got them both ready to have their hair done. As that went on Oktober texted me to go to his office so I did just that.

Oktober was a tall chocolate skinned man with just the right amount of muscle. He had a medium full beard and these dark brown eyes I always found myself lost in.

"Hey. "I greeted Oktober when I walked into his office.

"Hi. "He greeted me big with a smile and got off his chair. He had a grey suit on with a white tie. "You finally came to have you kids cleaned up here. "He told me as he walked up to me.

"Yah. "I answered and smiled. When he was walking towards I thought that was the moment I had been waiting for for weeks but he literally just walked passed me and opened his office door which I had shut when I walked in. I thought we would get freaky today.

"Take a seat. "Oktober told me as he walked to his. "How are the kids? "He asked me. Kids? His asking about my kids when he could have me laid naked on his desk.

"Uhm..... They're good. "I told him. "Why did you open the door and so widely. "I asked him getting straight to the point. No corners. Right to it.

"Work policy...... And so many people know you.... I don't want rumors circulating about thee Vanessa Foster..... Girlfriend to Joshua Kingston. How is he by the way? "Oktober went on to ask. What the hell was going on? He was talking to me like we were friends or something. "How is he? "Oktober asked again because I was mute for too long.

"Great...... Uhm I missed seeing you. "I told him in hopes to remind him of the little thing we got going on.

"Same same....... Before I forget. "Oktober said as he checked in his drawers for something. "I wanted to hand this to you personally. "He added. "I can't find it..... Okay I'll just mail it to you. "He told me and flashed me the ring on his ring finger. My mind was failing me for sure. As Oktober went on about his bride my mind was caught in a halt of thought. I started remembering all the calls we had with each other. Did I misread the situation? For two bloody months I led myself to think we were in love. That's why he never tried to get physical......... We were friends not lovers.

"Vanessa are you okay? "Oktober asked me.

"Yah I'm terrific. "I lied holding back my emotions.

"May I?..... Miss Vanessa Foster..... Your son needs you immediately. "One of the hair stylists reported behind the door.

"Okay.... Yah. "I responded and got up.

"Call me later. "Oktober told me as I walked out of his office but I continued walking without saying a word. When I got to King he was crying. His head was full of hair which made it caught painful for him when he did his hair. Leigh on the other hand loved doing her hair too much so she ignored the pain. I grabbed a chair and sat beside King, holding his hand through his braiding process. I can't believe what big a fool I was. Sitting there I scrolled through texts. I read them from a different angle this time. These weren't in love texts, they were caring texts that could be written by a friend. My heart sunk. This moment felt like a rejection.... It felt like a bad break up.

After King and Leigh's hair was done I paid up. I tried talking to River to meet anytime soon but she swerved me rudely. That niceness she showed me earlier was all fake. It was typical customer service. I'm such an easy run over.

No one's point of view.

"No matter what I do or say she just won't forgive me. "Josh complained to his friends Theo and Alex.

"Bro you cheated on her..... Publicly!.... Random people obviously DM her those videos and pictures everyday. "Theo told Josh.

"Facts....... Disloyalty is heavy my guy. Girls don't just bounce back like nothing happened. "Alex contributed.

"And the media just making it worse mate........ Have you even seen this shit. Aria is being compared to this barbie doll and everyone is saying some other bull about your girl..... I mean you lucky that she's even here still. "Theo told Josh.

"Look your girl is probably feeling insecure yah........ Make her feel otherwise. Don't just say you're sorry........ Make her heal. "Alex said making Theo cheer.

"Wise man.... Wise man! "Theo yelled clapping his hands together.

"And you well lucky mate...... When I cheated on Olivia she went off on social media...... She had a whole life just roasting me. Some attention seeking shit. "Alex added.

"Vanessa is chill..... She doesn't do social media fights. "Josh told them.

"Look man..... She's your day one.... She was with you at that Rise High dump...... Rise high bro. That place is not even fit for people..... Animals most definitely...... But she stayed with you...... And now you got all this.... Don't let this make you forget that she's solid and she's the mother of your children too. "Theo said.

"Yah I know. "Josh replied.

"You don't act like you do though. "Alex said making Theo agree.

"I'll work on it. "Josh replied after a sigh.