Chapter Six.


On January 4th my son was born. Josh and I didn't have a name for a really long time but we found one. We named him something in line with his sisters name. King Kingston was the name of our son. As I held him in my arms I felt a new type of love. A love that I couldn't explain and I love I wanted to have forever.

Josh stayed with me in the delivery room. Royalty, Ava and James come in after King was born.

Josh's parents swore that they cut us off yet here they were, smiling wide at their grandson. They brought gifts and practically everything the baby needed for months.

Ava and James stayed for about two hours and left. Ava told me that they were going on holiday somewhere in Europe.

"His so tiny. "Royalty commented as she looked at her baby brother who was in his baby carrier.

We were packing up to leave. After nine hours of King's birth the hospital finally gave us a go ahead. I was healthy too. Parts of me hurt still but the happiness I had because of my son made me over look all that.

Our little family hoped onto a taxi and headed home. As we walked down the floor to our apartment everyone present stared at us weirdly.

I just wanted to sleep honestly. I had no energy to deal with neighbors.

When we got to our door, there was an eviction notice. The door was locked too. I can't believe this shit was happening right now. We were behind on rent but we always paid at the end of the day. This time was a little more delayed but we had hospital bills to deal with.

"Now what? "I asked Josh.

"Rosemary packed up for you.... Your things are in her apartment. "A neighbor shared with us. I didn't even think of our things inside. My mind was still trying to process the moment.

Rosemary was leaving for a senior citizen home in two days. We couldn't stay at her apartment even if she'd be happy to have us, so we just got our boxes out. Josh and I tried calling his parents but they were out of reach. I remembered that Ava mentioned a flight to some country in Europe.

"Daddy I'm hungry. "Royalty reported.

"What do you want me to do! see that the land lord literally throw everything together into boxes right! "Josh answered in frustration.

We were now sitting outside our door with our boxes. When I peeped into our boxes, it was clear that the land lord tossed everything on the floor before it was picked up into boxes. He had anger issues.

As Josh and I thought of other alternatives Royalty cried silently to herself. I didn't even notice.

"Come here. "Josh told Royalty and spread his arms out. Royalty got off the box she was sitting on and went over to her father. "Daddy's sorry for yelling. "Josh told her as he hugged her.

It was now getting late and Josh and I had run out of ideas. Royalty was sleeping peacefully in Josh's arms and Josh was singing to her softly rocking her.

I thought of a solution. The worst ever but it could be our way out. I made the call I should have hours ago.

"I know you hate me but I'm your daughter........ I'm coming home and I'm not coming alone. "I said into my phone and cut the call. "Let's go. "I told Josh. He knew what I did. He couldn't object because what choice did we really have. I always wanted Josh to meet my parents so now was the time.

To my surprise, One of my sisters Emma drove to pick us up as instructed by my father. We loaded Emma's car with our belongings and went on our way.

During the whole drive, Emma said nothing. It was awkward and obviously a forced gesture but at least we would have a roof over our heads tonight.

When I looked at Josh, he looked nervous. Who wouldn't be. So I held his hand in mine to give him some comfort.

We were finally home. Emma helped us unload the trunk but still said nothing to us. Once we took our things to the room they spared for us (my room) we sat in the living room with everyone. We usually sat like this during serious family meetings when I lived here.

My family was made up of parents Eloise and Peter and sisters Emma who was now twenty five years old, Jennifer who was twenty seven years old and a brother Wayne who was thirty years old.

I was the light of the family. The one luckily to succeed in life yet I turned out worse than my older siblings. At least I didn't live at my parents house still.

"So we waited for you so that we could have dinner together. You probably haven't eaten in a while. "My father said. A while? He said that like we were some homeless hooligans. We were but not like that.

We all proceeded to the table and ate quietly.

"So you're waiting for us to ask for an introduction? "My mother asked rudely. I saw that Josh was about yo start talking so I took over. I didn't want him to talk to these people.

"This is Josh...... My boyfriend as you all know and the father to my son upstairs........ King Kingston. He was born earlier today........ And this is Royalty........ Josh's daughter. She's six years old. "I quickly told everyone gesturing to both Royalty and Josh. "Babe..... Royalty...... My mum Eloise.... My dad Peter and my sisters Emma and Jennifer....... And my brother Wayne. "I told Josh and Royalty with gestures indicating each family member.

"We'd normally say things like nice to meet you..... Or the pleasure is ours but we are not happy to have you..... Josh. "My father spoke. That's why I didn't want to come here. Josh was caught in such and awkward space.

"You ruined our daughters life. "My mother went on.

"Mum....... Dad...... I'm not here for this..... We aren't here for this..... Your judgments and pointings. I chose my road...... Me..... No one influenced me or forced me to. "I told them.

"So what's your job? .... Josh" Wayne asked rudely.

"What's yours? "I asked Wayne immediately. This loser was thirty years old with no job..... No life..... And with that appearance probably no girl either.

"So Josh...... What would have been your plan if we weren't in it?..... You know... If my parents weren't generous enough to have you stay here? "Emma asked Josh. These people were straight up childish for all this.

"I didn't have anything planned. "Josh answered in a low voice. He was clearly embarrassed already and they were all making it worse.

"Okay enough about today...... Josh where do you work?.... How much do you make? "My father asked. My poor baby. I could tell that he was really feeling insecure.

"Uhm....... I sorta work anywhere and everywhere I can....... I uhm. I have a you tube now..... I sing and I'm hoping to be noticed one day. "Josh answered with little confidence.

"Whose child?..... The mother... Where is she? "My mother asked firmly. Before Josh answered that question he looked at Royalty first. Royalty looked at him too.

"What you both don't know? "My mother asked and chuckled a little.

"She passed. "I answered. No one at the table expected that bomb drop. I hated that this is how things turned out. I just wanted to take Josh and Royalty out of this hell of a room to mine, but my parents were strict on respect.

Vanessa's room.

After that dinner I prepared a bath for Josh. I wasn't going to get in with him because of my current situation but he needed it.

"I'm so sorry about tonight. "I told Josh when we were in the bathroom together. Josh was in the circular tub, his body under the foam. I was sitting on a tiny chair beside him.

"Its all good....... I really didn't take anything they said to heart. "Josh told me, clearly lying.

"I could tell that you did babe. " I told him and moved closer.

"It was just so humiliating...... Like baby those are your parents.... Back then I'd always think about how I'd impress them and how they'd love me but tonight its like everything I ever planned went sideways. "Josh told me honestly.

"I know....... And I'm so so sorry that you had to go through all that. "I told Josh to comfort him. "This is temporal........ We'll get jobs and leave.... Or your parents will come back and we'll leave. They're better than mine at least. "I told Josh.

"I wish we didn't have to have this conversation. "Josh told me.

If I lives were better we wouldn't have had to talk about getting jobs. We wouldn't have had to sit at a table and be insulted.

Yet that was our life. Acceptance is one of the roots to development and happiness.

As long as Josh didn't have that he'd find it hard to be happy.

I wasn't too happy myself but at least I accepted my life.