Chapter Ten.


It had been weeks since we moved to our new and improved house. The atmosphere was perfect. Happy children.... Tired and stressed,but happy parents. December was the most exciting month for most people. It was the last month of the year. It meant gifts and family time.

Since we had some extra cash we decided to make our Christmas special. The last Christmas we had was literally a regular day in which we complained more than we celebrated. This Christmas was going to be memorable. We started our day off with taking Royalty to see some Santa man at the mall. These fools be lying to these kids so bad but the kids seemed too stupid to notice. We had a couple of pictures taken before we left to get ourselves some Christmas decorations.

When we got back to the house Josh and I decorated the Christmas tree. Christmas music played and Josh took over every song practically showing off.

"I think I heard a knock. "Josh told me and turned the music down. I didn't hear anything so we both waited to hear a knock again. The person knocked again, I guess Josh was right. But who would visit us though?

"I'll get it. "I told Josh and headed to the door.

"Daddy I want to place the star. "I heard Royalty say before I opened the door. When I opened the door they were two women dressed the same, a T-shirt and jeans and two men also dressed like them. One woman however had a formal suit on and a book in her hand.

"Uhm.... Hi. "I greeted all of them but they said nothing.

"Is this the residence of Miss Vanessa Foster and Joshua Powers? "The woman in a suit asked me. Before I could give her an answer I looked hard at the identical T-shirts of the crew. This was child services. When I realized that my world came tumbling down. I couldn't even get a word out of my mouth. Josh and I worked a lot and for long hours, leaving Royalty alone at home while I carried King along with me for work. I worked at a hotel. I cleaned vacant room so it was easy to have King there with me. Royalty on the other hand had school so she stayed home alone after school. Josh worked at a bar and restaurant, he juggled shifts and made it in time for both.

Apparently our "Lovely" neighbors Mr and Mrs Carter reported us to child services. I don't know why they were in our business but they were.

"Daddy!.... Daddy! "Royalty screamed as the two ladies struggled to take hold of her. "Daddy where are they taking me!..... No!...... Let me go!...... Leave me! "Royalty continued crying out as Josh and I "cooperated".

I had King in my arms at that moment. I was holding him tight. I couldn't believe that these heartless monsters were taking him away too. He was my baby. His was barely a year old but that didn't matter.

When I handed King over to one of the men he didn't cry at all. He was sleeping. If he wasn't it would be a whole other story.

As they took the kids out the door I couldn't hold my tears. Royalty really wasn't having the captivity.

When I looked at Josh I couldn't quite place my finger on what he was feeling. He was just frozen, watching.

Child services had us under investigation. We couldn't object or fight them. That would be another offense all together.


Josh had been sitting outside since child services took our kids away. He didn't say a word to me all day. He didn't eat or drink water either.

"You should come inside. "I told Josh when I sat at the front step with him.

"Its like some sort of curse you know. "Josh said after a long silence. "Its like we're not supposed to be too happy..... When we are bad things come rushing in our direction. "He added.

"This is the part were I encourage you but I just don't know how anymore. "I told Josh. I was usually the positive one but this was a whole new situation.

"If Royalty is home alone why should it be a bother to anyone? "Josh asked. "Why is everybody so nosy nowadays? "He added.

"So what will we do? "I asked Josh.

"The document they gave me said we'll have a meeting with them this Friday. I guess will know what to do then. "Josh told me.

It was week after week.... The same routine. We'd see the kids once a week for an hour only. Child services dragged their investigation. We had no kick backs for them so they took their time. Royalty always looked so miserable when we left. King cried so much but they cared less.

I just wanted it to be all over.