Chapter Eleven.


Now that Josh was on tour,life was great. He called everyday which was kinda annoying but also cute at the same time. We face timed a lot too and for so many hours in a day. We both fell asleep with the last activity of the day being our calls. All that actually made me miss him and look forward to his return.

With everything great comes a package of negativity. Before Josh left he had the WiFi password changed because he wanted Royalty to focus on school and not her socials. She gave me hell ever since Josh left. At first she aired out rude comments, not directly to my face but obviously for me. I had bigger responsibilities so I didn't let her get to me.

"King that's enough milk baby. "I told King as he poured milk into a bowl. We were baking today. Leigh and King loved baking. I swear these two would rather bake and make all the messes they love to in the kitchen than play outside.

"Mummy King won't let me stir. "Leigh complained almost crying.

"King just give the spoon to her please. "I told King as I worked the oven.

"You're such a baby. "King told Leigh and threw the spoon in her face making her cry.

"King! "I yelled.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry.... I didn't think it would hit her. "King quickly apologized. His apology made Leigh cry even more. This girl was dramatic for sure.

"Come to mummy. "I told Leigh and lifted her off the counter. "His sorry... You don't have to cry. "I told her and patted her back. She cried a little more and stopped.

"I'm sorry. " King apologized again.

Leigh said nothing, she was still grumpy from the hit. I put her back down on the counter and continued adjusting the heat of the oven to my liking.

"Vanessa tell me the password.... Now please..... I have things to research for school. "Royalty demanded. This girl was on drugs for sure coming in here talking to me like we were friends or something. This was her first actual approach.

"Your father left a whole set of instructions regarding that matter.... Talk to him. "I told Royalty calmly, defeating my urge to burst out and slap her across the face.

"You're using the WiFi aren't you?.... You know the password so give it to me. "Royalty told me rudely. The kids were in the room. I didn't want them watching her disrespect me but I also didn't want them to watch me mishandle the situation.

"Talk to your father. "I told Royalty again and went on to making the cookies.

"His probably busy........ We both know just how busy he can get on tours now don't we? They're so many distractions. "Royalty told me with all intentions to provoke me. I didn't reply to her for my own sake. "Why are two still together anyway? "Royalty blurted.

"How about you ask him that too and get the fuck out my face! "I replied in rage. King and Leigh had their mouths wide open now because I used a curse word.

"It must be the money right? "Royalty went on.

"Royalty I don't want to do this...... Especially not in front of my kids. "I told Royalty.

"I don't care...... Just give me the password to the WiFi or I keep talking. "Royalty threatened.

"Suzie! "I called and Suzie came rushing to the kitchen. "Uhm..... Please get King and Leigh ready for..... Uhm... A lunch I think and tell Malcolm and Benjamin to come continue with the cookies..... Oh no today is Sunday, its you guy's half day. Its fine, just get the kids ready for me real quick. "I told Suzie and she did as I said. I turned the stove off and prepared to attend to Royalty.

"I want the password. "Royalty pressed again.

"No. "I answered firmly. "I know you have this..... Uhm..... What can I call it..... Let me say power. You're Josh's daughter and I'm nothing to you but his girlfriend so you feel like you can just talk to me in whatever way you please...... You're the cliche step daughter that has some unnecessary anger because you feel like I'm in your way maybe or I'm trying to play a part in your life that you don't want me to. "I told Royalty."Look I don't want to be your mother...... I never have and I never will because you don't want that and I'd never force things. So give me a break okay. "I told Royalty.

She didn't say anything. She just walked away. I had enough of her anyway.

After an hour I hopped into my car with King and Leigh. We left at the same time as most of the interior workers. The interior workers had Sunday afternoons off so Royalty had all the space to be a bitch in peace.

I took the kids to a fun park. I just watched them play and run around with other kids. Soon enough Leigh dragged me into playing with her and I did. After the park we had dinner at a King's favorite restaurant. As we ate Josh called which completed the kids happiness.


After begging and begging from the kids to be taken to some water park I found myself having more fun than they did. I didn't even realize how late it was getting. It was so late but King and Leigh were wide awake when we drove back. It was definitely all the sugar they had today. As we drove home King and Leigh sang along to Josh's songs. I was shocked as to just how much they knew. Not even I listened to Josh enough to have memorized all his lyrics.

"Good night sweety. "I told Leigh after I tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left. She was already knocked out before I left.

After I tucked King in as well, I went over to my room and prepared to go to sleep. Josh called. I answered and put him on speaker as I brushed my teeth. He called a lot.

"Hey. "I greeted him.

"Vanessa Royalty just called me crying saying that she's scared and something about blood and whatever can you check on her. "Josh told me. He sounded like he was in a crowd and his words weren't too clear.

"Wait what? Royalty called you about blood? Why, when? "I asked Josh getting worried a little myself.

"She's been calling me actually....... She called me like fifty times but I was working. I only answered now. Please check on her I have a performance in like two minutes. "Josh told me and cut the call. This time i heard him clearly. As I continued brushing my teeth I realized that Josh mentioned blood. God knows I wasn't ready for a period talk.

When I walked to Royalty's door I could hear her crying loudly. She sounded like she was trying to call her father. I had a toiletry bag in my hand with all the supplies. I was nervous. I just stood at the door breathing in and out waiting for the right moment to walk in.

"Can I talk to my dad? "I heard Royalty ask. It was probably on the call. "Dad...... Dad she still isn't here.... I don't think she wants to help me. "Royalty said crying even more. I on the other hand was still debating on whether I should knock or just walk in. I wasn't sure so I just proceeded to knock. After I knocked there was a silence. I knocked again and heard Royalty tell me to come in. I walked into her room without wasting anymore time. This was my first time walking into her room actually. It had a baby pink theme to it. Looks like she still loved pink.

"Hey. "I greeted her, trying to break the ice.

"I think I got my period and I don't know what to do. "Royalty told me and broke down into tears. Watching her cry brought several flashbacks back to my memory. Childhood memories.

"I can help you..... You don't need to be crying about this. "I told Royalty and walked up to her. "Its a part of life that's normal and though annoying, its a beautiful thing. "I told her.

Royalty and I sat in the bathroom for our talk.

"So you can use these when your period get more frequent. "I explained showing her a tampon. As I explained she looked at me with only glances. This was very uncomfortable for her seemingly. I had no problem playing whatever part she wanted me to so I was fine. "Are you okay? "I asked Royalty and moved my little chair close to her. Royalty was sitting on the toilet with her legs crossed.

"This pad is so uncomfortable. "She told me.

"We can have you try another one..... I have so many in my bag. "I told Royalty and started looking through my toiletry bag.

"You had a bag ready for Leigh already? "Royalty asked me making me pause.

"I saw it online and thought it was cute..... And I never thought you'd ever need me for anything..... Especially not this besides I knew that by the time Leigh would get her period these bags would have been long gone so I got one. "I told Royalty. " I know if you could you would have just goggled all this cycle drama. "I added.

"I'm a bitch huh? "Royalty asked. I couldn't help but act like I was still looking for something in the bag. "Yah. "Royalty added.

"Look...... You're a little difficult but I don't think you're that. "I told Royalty.

"I'm sorry about earlier today...... And all the other days I've been mean to you for no reason. "Royalty apologized.

"Look..... Its whatever okay..... You do you and I'll just always be here whenever you need me. "I told Royalty and got up. I know her apology was driven by this moment. She didn't mean it. She felt like she owed it to me. "Do you need anything else?..... A run through maybe? "I asked her.

"I really am sorry Vanessa. "Royalty apologized again.

"Yah. So..... Today may be a little heavier than you think so don't over sleep. I'm just a room away if you have any questions. "I told Royalty and left her bathroom.

When I got out of Royalty's room I found Leigh crying at my door with her stuffed animal in her hand.

"Mummy. "She called when she saw me but she didn't move. This cry was familiar but I couldn't remember just where I heard it. I rushed over to Leigh and attended to her.

"Was it a bad dream baby? "I asked Leigh.

"My stomach hurts mummy. "She told me. That's where I heard that cry. I quickly picked Leigh off the floor and took her into my room to get my car keys. When I came out Royalty was at her bedroom door.

"Royalty take care of your brother.... I'm going to the hospital real quick." I told her and rushed down the stairs. "Baby you'll be fine. "I told Leigh as I buckled her up in her old baby seat. Leigh kept crying without any breaks. She had her hands on her stomach as she cried and that had me so freaked out. When I was all done Royalty and King were standing by my car. "I'll deal with this. "I told them but they weren't staying behind.

Traffic was at its highest tonight and that didn't make anything easier for me. Royalty and King tried everything they could to calm their sister down but it wasn't working.

Josh called when my car was at a stand waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.

"Babe. "I answered and put him on speaker.

"Is that Leigh crying in the background? "Josh asked me after a while of silence.

"Its happening again.... The stomach ache. "I told Josh my voice breaking from all the emotions.

"Where are you right now? "Josh asked me. He sounded really worried. I shouldn't have answered the call.

"On the road to the hospital. "I told him.

"Vanessa you have to be strong. Leigh can't have you sounding like that. "Josh told me.

"I'm just so scared. "I told Josh in a low voice so that the kids didn't hear me.

"I know.... Whose in the car with you and Leigh? "He asked me. I couldn't answer because my emotions chocked my throat. I handed my phone to Royalty without saying anything. The green light finally shined and the cars took off. Josh was on his call with Royalty until we reached the hospital. The speaker was off too so I could only hear Royalty's responses.

"Its good that you brought her in early. She will be fine. The problem was that her medicine was either not being given to her or there were delays in giving it to her. Do you give her her medicine? "The doctor asked me. I was in my daughters hospital room. She was drugged to sleep but I could tell this was rough for her. It was my job to give her her medicine but I put all responsibility on a nanny that was clearly careless.

"Uhm..... That really wasn't my area but I'll make sure it is now. "I told the doctor.

"This isn't something minor anymore. Her kidney infection will keep getting worse and it has. "The doctor told me completely crushing me. "I'm not telling you this to cause worry or fear. I just want you to take her state seriously. "The doctor told me. "We need her in our hospital for a week so that we up her medication and place the infection and study how we can make sure her kidney doesn't fail. "The doctor told me freaking me out completely. When he left I stood by myself while King stood with Royalty both of them facing me. The three of us looked down at Leigh each thinking our own thoughts.