Chapter Twelve.


Even though we didn't want to. Even though we never expected to and vowed never to. We were back at our old apartment. The same dump that made us sick. When Josh and I walked into the apartment we had no words to express the pain and frustration. The fact that we had to beg the owner to give it to us was even more frustrating. When he gave us the key we sat on our old couch in silence soaking on our own. After the slight grief we got up on our feet and fixed the place up. We replaced most of the furniture with better furniture we saved up for. New couch... Table... Fridge... Beds and a new and better TV.

Our kids were coming home today. After three months of captivity our children were finally coming home. I don't know what Josh's parents did but I was grateful. Today was a special day. It was Royalty's seven birthday. Royalty was born on march 31st.

I can't believe those monsters had my baby on his very first birthday. So today we were having a joint birthday for both King and Royalty. We invited every friend of Royalty's we knew. After the home welcome and cake sharing we were going to take all the kids to the community pool for a swim and call it a day. All sorts of kids were attending the party Both school friends and those at this dump.

I made the food while Josh decorated the place really nice.

"I don't know why I'm not excited yet. "Josh told me when we were sitting on the couch.

"This three months has been long and hard..... Its probably just frustration and anxiety. "I told Josh.

"I can't believe they took our kids away you know...... And when we finally got our shit together. "Josh complained. "We saw them once in a week for an hour like they weren't ours. "Josh continued.

"Its all over now babe...... We need to focus on the present and make sure that we get our future right too. "I told Josh.

"Its only 4 in the morning. "Josh told me making us both chuckle. We weren't excited when seen at face but we sure were cause we finished all the preparations so early.

Child services finally showed up. They were impressed by the decor and the apartment in general. The door was fucked but inside, our apartment was simple and beautiful. Nothing anyone would imagine. When Royalty walked in she cried. She was happy that it was all over but the pain was surpassed her joy. She rushed yo both of us and we had our turns to embrace her. How were these fools even watching this. This was a happy and terribly sad moment. One of the ladies from three months ago handed King to me. He had grown so much. I kissed his forehead after which the four of us were in a cuddle just appreciating the moment.

Josh and I had no words for the service. The woman in the suit read what she had to..... Rights and whatever. I don't know why she didn't notice that no one was interested. After she was done she told us to have a good day but none of us replied. She also wished Royalty a happy birthday but Royalty said nothing. The audacity though.

When they left the party began. We had music competing with our hearing and tones and tones of kids. We invited twenty kids but the outcome was quite overwhelming.

"I want to say something... I want to say something! "Royalty announced after her friends sang her the birthday song. She was standing in front of the table with the pink chocolate drip cake. Royalty had on a white big tee with yellow converse. She had a part hat on too like all the other kids.

"I want to say something to my dad and Vanessa. "She announced resulting in the parents present to take their phones out to take record of the moment.

"Daddy....... I want you to know that I love you so much and I wouldn't ask for any other father. "Royalty said making every clap and praise the moment. "Vanessa..... Thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much. "Royalty told me making me smile. "And my baby brother king.... I can't wait for you to grow up so that we can hang out everyday and I love you too..... I love my family. "Royalty concluded making everyone clap and cheer.

"Make a wish.... Make a wish. "The kids around Royalty told her all talking over each other. Royalty closed her eyes and made a wish after which she blow out her candles. Everyone clapped again and cheered in excitement. After cake, food and drinks the kids watched the party recordings from the time they walked in up until the sat down to watch the recordings. All the kids were so excited and it was such a joy booster. I talked to most of the moms while Josh talked to the dads.

After the kids were well rested we headed to a community pull a street away. We asked to have the area so no one else was there but us. As everyone enjoyed themselves in the water Josh and I talked in our own corner.

"Maybe I should make another you tube account. "Josh told me.

"Yah maybe...... The old one doesn't seem to be getting any attention.... And I had an idea.... How about instead of you posting videos of you sitting on a chair singing.... You post videos of you singing as you cook or when you're singing to kids to you know give it a vibe. "I told Josh making him light up. He loved the idea.

"Why didn't I ever think of that...... I always seat in a boring posture. Yah... Let's try your way. "Josh told me making me smile.

We talked more about his singing. Shared new ideas and pictured ourselves living some ideal life with Porsche cars and large mansions.

"Uhm..... Hi..... I'm Stella. "A random kid walked up to us and told us.

"Hi sweetie. "I greeted her back while Josh laughed because he found the situation funny.

"Royalty is drowning. "Stella told us making Josh stop laughing instantly. Josh got up immediately and I followed. I was hoping that Stella was being delusional but it was true. Royalty was laying on the concrete at the side of the pool with the life guard forcing air down her throat in all the ways possible. All the kids surrounded the area and SL did some parents. Other parents were making sure all the kids were okay and others were making calls.

"Royalty..... RoRo... Sweetheart. "Josh called when he was kneeling at Royalty's side with her little hand in his. I had never ever seen him so terrified. At that moment I looked around for King and sighed in relief when I saw him with one of our neighbors. Soon enough the ambulance came in and took Royalty away. Josh followed and left me to round up everything. Today was a happy day that ended so badly. All the kids left for their homes in fear of the tragic accident.

Luckily Royalty turned out fine and came back home with Josh after three hours. We put the kids to sleep and stayed on our couch like earlier this morning. This moment had a hint of deja vu.

"I know this is a dumb question but are you okay? "I asked Josh.

"No..... Not really. "He replied. I placed my hand in his and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " I just want to forget everything bad that happened today. I just want it all flushed out my memory. "He told me.

"I think I can help with that. "I told Josh and let my hand free from his hold. I then directed my hand into this shorts. He smiled at me so I had a go ahead. For three whole months we had been on a break. Not really a break but so stressed out and too tired for anything sexual. Our worry for the kids made all timing wrong.

I put my hand into his boxers and took his dick out.

"What if Royalty wakes up for water or something? "Josh asked me.

"Then I guess She'll see her daddy's pinga all out there. "I told Josh and laughed.

"No like I'm serious. "Josh told me trying to back away but I stopped him.

"Look if she walks in here, my body will block her view. "I told Josh and licked the tip of his penis.