Chapter Thirteen.


A new year meant new events and expectations. Josh was now back from his tour and spent most of his time with me and the kids. He was away for four months so he had a lot of catching up to do. Leigh was starting school this January. School started in September but Leigh wasn't ready. She was ready now. She was so excited for school. King was never this happy to go to school. King cried the whole way and had tantrums at school for two weeks straight.

"Pose for mummy. "I told Leigh and she did just that. My baby loved pictures and now she was extra excited for school.

"Can we leave already? "King asked with an attitude. He wasn't a fun of school because he loved sleeping and playing video games but he just had to go to school.

I dropped the kids off at school. King rushed to his friends before I could even get my kiss.

"Mummy another picture please. "Leigh asked and I took it. I gave Leigh her bag and escorted her to her class.

"Be good sweety okay. I love you so much. "I told Leigh and hugged her. She run off into the class without even saying that she loved me back. All my kids were getting too mature for me now.

An hour later I got a call from Leigh's teacher. Leigh wanted me to pick her up because she wanted to go home. I was already in my car because I went to pick up some bags I bought. I was close enough to get to Leigh's school as soon as she wanted me to.

"Is that my mum? "I heard Leigh ask in the background with the sound of her voice clearly confirming that she had been crying. "Hey baby. "I greeted Leigh when her teacher handed her the phone. It sounded like another child was crying with her.

"Hey mummy. "She replied and coughed a couple of times. "Mummy...... I want you. "She told me.

"I'm coming right now sweety. I'm on the road heading to your school. "I told her but she continued crying.

"Whose crying with you? "I asked Leigh to distract her. She told me the other child's name a number of times but I couldn't quite get it because of all the crying. "Mummy will be there to pick you up soon okay. " I told Leigh and stopped at a red light.

"Hurry. "She told me.

"I will. "I told her and then the call cut.

When I got to Leigh's school I waited from the parking lot. I was standing outside my car as I waited. Another car was parked ten feet away from mine. The windows to the car were tinted so I tried my best not to look too hard. The car was gorgeous God knows I love a rolls Royce. It was white and it spoke money. Lots and lots of money.

I had nothing much to do on my phone but I had it in my hand and scrolled on it to avoid standing still like some weird person

"Hey. "I heard a mans voice greet me. When I turned to face the person that greeted me, my whole body froze. In front of me was a fine human being.

I think he was Arab or something cause he had the head scuff thing going on.

"Hi. "I replied and shook his hand trying my best to keep my cool.

"Vanessa Foster right? "He question. For a second there I squinted my eyes in wonder but then I remembered that I was a public figure.

"Yah... Yah. "I answered.

"What would you be doing at this school? "He asked me.

"My kids go here...... My daughter just started. She called home crying. "I told him. "Funny how she was so excited to be here but barely made it through the day..... I hoped this would happen though because I felt bad that she was too excited to leave me. "I added and kept quiet because I felt like I said more than I should have. "Sorry. "I apologized. The man just chuckled.

"I didn't get your name. "I told him.

"Oh yah sorry..... I'm Ibrahim....... Ibrahim Astor. "He told me and shook my hand again.

I don't know what took Leigh's teacher so long but I found myself passing time talking to Ibrahim. At first he was more of taciturn towards me but I got him to start talking. I found out that he had a daughter at the school. First day too. She was probably the child crying with Leigh. I felt so good talking to him. I barely had any friends so feeling like I just found one was overwhelming.

Soon enough the girls were brought out by their teacher. God, his daughter was so pretty. That wasn't really a shock to me... I mean.

"I told you school wasn't better than being home with mummy. "I told Leigh as she slowly walked up to me.

When Leigh walked up to me Ibrahim broke into a different language as he talked to his daughter. He was laughing in between too. I found myself smiling despite not understanding a thing.

"You're still getting me the play set. "His daughter complained with a frown.

"Our deal was you make it through the day and I do get it for you..... You barely made it baby..... Its only been two hours since you come here. "He told her and then turned to me. "Vanessa this is my daughter.... Amani.... Amani this is Vanessa. "He told me making Amani smile and wave at me.

"Hi. "I greeted Amani with a smile. "This is Leigh... And Leigh sweetie.... This is Ibrahim.... Amani's dad. "I spoke giving an introduction as well.

Ibrahim and I talked more before we left. The girls chased each other around while we did.

"So I'll see you around at tomorrows pick up? "Ibrahim asked.

"Mmm... No actually. I don't handle pick ups. This was a first and probably last pick up. "I told him. Ibrahim looked disappointed but we proceeded to say our goodbyes. When he started walking away slowly I stopped him. It was probably a bad idea but I went through with it. "I can give you my number..... You can text me. "I told him and he turned completely and handed me his phone. I put my number in and saved it.

"I'll definitely text you. "He told me and walked away to his car. I got into my car too and started my car to leave as well.

When King finally came home he told me the that their class was having a bake out. I would have just bought something from the grocery store but King begged that we make cookies ourselves.

"Hey. "Josh greeted me when he walked into the kitchen and kissed my lips.

"Hi. "I greeted him back and took out all the baking trays I owned.

"Why can't you just let Benjamin and Malcolm do this? "Josh asked me, referring to our chefs.

"King asked that we do it. "I said and looked up at the kids. They were on the counter purposely smugging butter and other oils and flavoring that was on the counter on their clothes.

"That's why he asked, you know that right?. "Josh told me in my ear and laughed.

"King!"I yelled scaring both him and Leigh. "No.... No... That's not what baking is about! You don't make yourselves dirty like that! "I told them.

"Sorry. "They both told me quickly.

"Go change.... Now! ...... And I don't want you in the kitchen until I'm done. No more baking for you both. "I told them. They left with their little faces showing sadness.

"So..... I was told that you took the kids to school today. "Josh told me and grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruits.

"Yah..... I actually wanted to talk to you about it..... I want to take the kids to school and pick them up everyday. "I told Josh in slight excitement.

"Why? "He asked me with a chuckle.

"I loved taking them today and I have nothing better to do so. "I told him and he agreed. I loved carpool with the kids but I knew deep down just why I wanted to take the kids to school.

As I continued baking I waited for my text from Ibrahim. I kept checking my phone despite not hearing any notification sound. Baking without King and Leigh was long, boring and extremely quiet. I wanted to call them but that would be bad parenting. I noticed them watching me in admiration through the glass outside. They couldn't even play in peace.

After hours of baking I still didn't get a text from Ibrahim. I was disappointed for sure. Anyway. I wasn't even supposed to be doing anything like I was. Besides I didn't want to be led into disloyalty. Oktober should have been my lesson. No matter how hard I try I can't even get any other man like Josh does with other women. Its like life had only one man for me.

After dinner was over I watched Josh tuck Leigh in. I loved watching him sing for her. She loved it so much too. King was seven now and he only wanted a goodnight and a wave. Funny how kids grow up. When we are kids we want all the love we can get from out parents. Then we feel a little too old for their affection. Soon enough all we want is love and affection but from our significant others. We crave a love so intimate. One that most of us never actually get from our parents.

When Josh and I were done with our kids he went over to Royalty's room. He didn't tell me why. I would never ask anyway.

When I got to my room I showered and got into my silk night dress. I hadn't worn it for over two years. My body had gotten too big for it but now I was fit and I felt sexier than ever. I loved that I felt this way about myself. I deserved it.

When Josh walked into our room after his talk with Royalty, I was at my makeup table tying my hair to get it ready for bed.

"Hey beautiful. "Josh greeted me and kissed my neck.

"Hey. "I replied with a smile on my face.

"You're so beautiful. "Josh told me and kissed my neck again. Those were words I really wanted to hear and specifically from Josh. I turned to face him and we kissed.

It was a casual kiss but I wanted him to fuck me. I pulled him closer and kissed him passionately to send him a message. He definitely got the message. Josh picked me off the floor and lifted me to our bed.

At 01am in the morning I woke up because I was dehydrated. I went down to the kitchen and got myself a bottle of water. When I got back to my bed, I checked my phone which was under my pillow and found that Ibrahim had texted me an hour ago. His text started with an apology and then several texts related to what we talked about when we meet the previous day. I turned my phone off and smiled.

Later that morning I took the kids to school as I planned I would from now on. Ibrahim's car was already in the parking lot when I got to the kids school. He looked even better today when I saw him. He didn't have anything over his head so I saw his hair for the first time. It was black and perfect. Maybe his hair wasn't even all that great but since I was falling hard for his looks everything seemed to fall in place.

Ibrahim and I talked after the kids left for their classes. Our conversation today was more open than the one we had the previous day. We had a couple of laughs before we drove away to our homes.

When it was time to pick Leigh and King from school, I was punctual and so was Ibrahim. We talked before the kids came along. Apart from looks Ibrahim was clearly smart and funny. When the kids were finally out of class we had them wait in the car for a while till we finished our conversation.

"I don't want to leave. "Ibrahim told me making me smile a little. "Its just Amani and I so if I'm not working time is literally on hold. "He added. I really loved that he brought up his home situation. I didn't want to ask him if he had a wife directly. I wanted him to bring it up.

"Its just Amani and you? "I asked.

"Yah. "He answered without saying anymore. God knows I didn't want to be the one to ask but it seems like I had to.

"You're not married? "I asked avoiding all eye contact.

"I really wanted you to ask me that question. "Ibrahim told me and chuckled a little. I felt so embarrassed. "I was married...... My wife and I divorced four years ago. I have never seen her ever since." He told me.

"She never comes around?..... Like not even to see Amani? "I asked.

"Not even to see Amani. "Ibrahim confirmed. "I'm a free man. "Ibrahim added. "But you.... You're with Joshua Kingston yah?"he asked me but I had no answer. "See you tomorrow. "Ibrahim told me and went to his car. Guilt filled every part of me. I don't where the guilt was placed. I don't know if it was the guilt of betraying my relationship with Josh or leading Ibrahim on when I knew that we weren't going anyone.

When I finally got home I just wanted to sleep every over. After my lunch I was knocked out till 8pm. When I woke up Josh was in my face. He was apparently trying to wake me up but I was stone cold.

"What? What? "I asked when I was half awake. When I sat up Josh was shirtless and in his swim trunks.

"Get into your two piece or whatever you call the bikini... Swimming thing. "Josh told me.

"Why? "I asked and stretched out.

"I organized something for us at the pool when you were sleeping..... Just come see for yourself "Josh told me and smiled making me smile as well.

"Plus the kids are at their grandparents house. Its just you and I to enjoy each other anywhere and everywhere in the house. "Josh told. It was so sweet that he took advantage of my sleep to do something romantic. Soon enough I was in the pool with my baby. My arms wrapped around him with our dinner floating in our pool. The blue lights at the bottom of the pool were on too. They gave the whole moment an intimate atmosphere.

"I love you so much. "Josh told me. I kissed his lips and told him that I loved him too. "I want another baby. "Josh told me. My face quickly went straight. "Let's make a baby right here and now. "Josh told me and untied my bikini top almost getting it off.

"No no no no.... You're joking right? "I asked him. When I asked him if he was joking he looked disappointed. I worked too hard on my body just to get it back to where it was before because of another pregnancy.

"I'm serious..... Why don't you want another baby?... I thought that would be perfect for us right now cause Leigh and King are growing up. "Josh told me.

"I'm still kinda on the pill. "I lied to Josh. I didn't want to ruin our night because of all the baby talk. I knew that if I drag the conversation it will turn into us either fighting or not talking to each other for a while.

"Okay but...... We can start trying now though. "Josh told me and took my top off completely.

"Babe. "I said trying to stop Josh but I don't think there was stopping him. According to my calendar my body was in ovulation. I could get pregnant for sure. I hadn't taken birth control for a hot minute. Josh usually used condoms so I was always safe.

"Let's try for twins. "Josh joked and kissed me. I wanted to stop everything but Josh was already hard. I will buy myself a plan B first thing in the morning, I thought to myself as Josh stripped me off completely. With that solution in my head, Josh had all the rounds he wanted to and everywhere he wanted them.