Chapter 13

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter was swaying back and forth on a hammock he made using his webs. While Gwen sat on a swing she made using hers.

Peter while swaying back and forth said "Okay let's go over this one more time. I can lift up to 15 tons"

"And I could lift up 10" replied Gwen.

"My top speed is 120" said Peter while Gwen continues after him.

"Mine is 150"

"We have a danger sense, that warns us of any threat"

"You can't forget about the organic webs the comes out of our wrist"

"We have insane stamina, even after moving around for an hour we didn't even get tired"

"Our durability is high but not to the point where we wouldn't get hurt incase of a serious injury... I still can't believe you climbed all the way up to the ceiling and dropped down just to test that, seriously Peter"

Peter while holding up his index finger replied with "It's all for science!"

"You almost bursted into tears when you landed" Gwen said in a monotone voice

"Hey! We don't talk about that, that's in the past and forgotten... At least we discovered we have a healing factor and can't forget about the wall climbing"

"Yeah have you discovered what makes us stick to walls and stuff"

"Nope but if I had to make a guess I would say it has something to do with static electricity but it's up for debate honestly"

"That's pretty much all we have so far, the only thing we didn't repeat back is that we get hungry when he use alot of webs, but that seems simple and logical."

Peter just sighs when he hears that "Well that's pretty disappointing I thought we would have more" Peter just closes his eyes and start swaying.

"I mean I for real thought we would at least get a camouflage ability. That seems so spider like, I could already imagine it, I would start blending into the environment and slowly start disappearing"

"Umm Peter?" Gwen calls out nervously.

Peter just opened his eyes and looked at Gwen "What?"

Which causes her to jolt "Ah you're still here" she said letting out a sigh of relief "that's good." She then awkwardly points her finger towards him

"You're not exactly visible"

"What?" Peter asked and lifts his hands up. He saw right through them. "Holy Moly i could go invisible... that is so cool"

"Yeah... so how did you do it, maybe I could do it too" Gwen asked wanting to turn invisible as well.

"I don't know, all I thought about was blending into my surroundings, I didn't think about disappearing I just thought to become one with everything around me" Peter said explaining his thought process

Gwen shut her eyes tightly and started thinking about what Peter told her. After a few sec she peaked through one eye to see if it was working, she saw all of her fingers were gone but her hand and the rest of her body was still visible.

"Woah, I have it as well, although It seems I need to work on it though. Why did yours come so flawlessly compare to mine, that's not fair"

"You're trying too hard"


"You were trying to force it, you can't just force yourself to become invisible you have to do it in a relax manner, I said you have to blend into your environment, not force yourself to become one with it"

"Since when did you become such an expert on this, you literally just discovered it a few seconds ago"

"I guess I'm just better"

Gwen just scoffed before softly closing her eyes and keeping a steady breathing. Peter saw how she slowly but surely started becoming invisible until she disappeared from his view.

Peter while still invisible just smiled "Congratulations on joining the invisible club, I hope you enjoy your stay. There isn't much to look at but it's an enjoyable experience"

Gwen scoffed once again undoing her invisibility. She then started hanging upside-down from her swing. While swinging she asked with a serious expression

"Hey Peter?"


"What do you think we should do with these powers? I feel like we should do something important with them but I'm honestly scared"

"Isn't it already obvious what we're going to do with them"

"Sigh you're right, it is obvious..."

Peter and Gwen then spoke at the same time

"We will be super Villains"

"We will be super Heroes"

"What" said Gwen in shocked when she looked at Peter.

"Joking, joking. It's obvious were going to be using our powers to help people. I mean it was obvious for you, you're dad is literally the police chief. It would be concerning if you really went and became a villain.

And I don't think the police chief's daughter would be dating me if my morals were questionable. Plus even with my powers I still think uncle Ben would beat my ass if he ever found out I ended up doing evil when I have this gift.

After all he would always tell me..."

Gwen smirked knowing were this was going having heard of his Uncle Ben's favorite saying. Gwen join in and said it with Peter

"With great power comes great responsibilities"

"Are you sure you ready to do this Gwen? This is a very big responsibility, going out there and fighting and protecting people isn't as easy as it sounds. We are going to be constantly putting our lifes at risk and if we go out there we could be potentially putting the lifes of others at risk as well"

Gwen's expression then got serious "Normally this would be something I would be hesitant about if I was by myself. But I'm not alone, I have you don't I. I believe that having each other's back through all this we can make it work"

"I guess this is when the dream team is born. Now we have to come up with something very important... our hero names and costumes"

Gwen just gives him a deadpan look "Really? That's what you believe is the most important"

"Hey, a reputation is really important how are people supposed to feel safe if we have crappy costumes with crappy names. Imagine putting your life at the hands of the 8 eyed bandit that just wears a sweater and shorts"

"Ehhh, I guess you're kinda right, but is that really the most important?"

"No silly, I was joking. We need to get our abilities under control and have experience with them. Going out there to safe people without being ready or prepared is suicidal. Luckily we have the greatest A.I in existence that's ready to help us every step of the way."

Peter then undid his invisibility and jumped down from the hammock and landed on his feet, he then pointed at Gwen and said

"Get ready cause our training montage is about to begin"