Chapter 14

I give up.... that's it, I quit... y'all are some horny mf, it's a harem from now on, I don't know who imma add, imma just go with the story if the characters have chemistry and unexpectedly get along very well, then HAREM, y'all horny mf I swear.... anyways enjoyyyyy 😊


[Third Person's PoV]

Peter and Gwen back in their hideout were surrounded by holographic pictures of different suits. They were swiping designs after designs looking for the perfect one to match them.

Gwen stopped scrolling after a while and tried to picture what she really wants. In the corner of her eye she saw the spiders that bit them.

Seeing them gave Gwen an idea, she started using the colors of the spider that bit her. When she was done what stood before her was a white and pink spider outfit.

'Hmmm, something is missing but what is it' the more she looked at the more she felt something didn't seem right.

She turned and looked towards Peter and saw him wearing his hoodie while hanging upside-down from a thread with a hand on his chin in a thinking position.

When she watched him she snapped her fingers 'That's it!', she turned back towards the hologram and started messing with the image of her suit she had ready.

She grabbed the back of her suit hologram and motioned for something to cover it. The hologram following her movements created an image of a white hood on the suits head, perfecting her design.

When she looked at it she nodded her head 'It's perfect'. When she was done admiring it she made a grabbing motion towards the center of the suit, making it dissappear, she then threw it towards her chest making the hologram of the suit overlap with her figure.

She clicked on the corner of the projection and it showed a camera where she began to look herself all over. When she was done she nodded her head once again and swiped her hand closing the camera function.

Peter who was still hanging upside down while making his suit heard Gwen call him over. "Hey pete what do you think"

Peter was brought out of his thoughts and looked towards Gwen's direction, when he did he lost grip of the web he was holding on to causing him to fall.

Peter quickly jumped back up and looked at Gwen in awe "Woah, you look absolutely fantastic."


Peter then got closer to Gwen and started looking at her all around. He smiled at her and put a hand on her cheek, which made Gwen lean her head in. Peter just continued looking at her with love, "You look very beautiful"

Gwen smiled while blushing slightly.

Peter then brought their face closer and closer making their lips touch and sharing a long kiss between them.

When they pulled away Peter smiled as he said "Seeing you in that suit has gotten me motivated now to create my own."

Peter went towards his station and cracked his knuckles "It's show time baby"

Peter started scrolling through every picture, until he found the perfect one, he changed the color to a darker blue instead of it being the normal red, showing he was his own Spider-Man.

Peter peeked over to Gwen and smiled one more time and went back to designing his own suit, he put a hood on his to match with Gwen. He wasn't alone in this endeavor he had a partner with him who he can trust to have his back

When he was done designing everything he looked at it with a smirk 'Oh yeah this is it, the very start of my origin story'

Peter scooped up the hologram and threw it at himself and turned towards Gwen "So what do you think" Peter asked while spreading his arms.


Gwen came over looked Peter up and down nodding his head "You look very cool..." Gwen then put a hand on his symbol on his chest and continued "Spider-Man"

Peter smirk "What are we coming up with our hero names now, you little ghost-spider"

Gwen lifted a brow at that "Really ghost-spider, not spider-woman, or spider-girl?"

Peter shrugging his shoulders replied with "What you you're wearing white like a ghost and you really love your invisibility powers for some reason, you just reappear and disappear like a ghost. You're saying it like Spider-Man is any better"

"Whatever you say, Spider-Man"

"Well now that we have the design it's time to make them"

Peter then went on to his work station and put on his metal mask and grabbed a blow torch, he turned it on and started working on his suit.

He started installing a HUD on the visor of his mask, he then started making the rest of the suit using carbon fiber, hard material that was flexible, his suit was now, resistant towards sharp objects and bullet penetrations.

It was built to have resistance towards the cold, heat, and electricity. Those materials weren't easy to acquire Peter had to use the money he earned from Oscorp in order to buy them.

Gwen having spent alot of time with Peter got to know her ways around tools and machineries so it was easy for her to make her suit herself. She used the same material Peter used and used it to make the suit she designed adding the HUD into her suit as well.

"Hey Gwen, catch"

When Gwen turned around she got two wrist bands in her hands, she just looked at them in confusion

"They're webshooters, I started working on yours since we got our powers 2 weeks ago"

Gwen just look at it in confusion "Why would we need them we make our own webs"

"It's in case we run out of our own webs, who knows what might happen. These are in case of emergencies, though I did add different kinds of webs, like taser webs, impact webs, web grenades,  you know anything that could be useful"

"Woah, you thought of these all in 2 weeks while we were practicing how to use our powers"

"No, I just made yours in two weeks, the rest was a project I started when I was little"

"Right, your obsession with spiders, how could I ever forget. Isnt this all really a bit coincidence, you having an obsession with spiders and then we end up developing the powers of a spider"

Gwen now started to get suspicious, everything just seems really convenient.

Peter then sigh, he already came up with a cover story for his so called obsession with spiders if anyone asked him about it. And the thing about his cover story is that it essentially isn't a lie, "You know I previously mentioned that my parents died and were in a plane accident and that they were scientists.

That wasn't everything, there's more to it that I haven't told you and the others"

Gwen just looked shocked not expecting there to actually be a story behind this, she went and sat down giving her full attention to Peter.

"You see my parents used to work as scientists, something you already know. And while working they were experimenting and testing on the serum that turned Captain America into the super soldier that he is.

I guess they were trying to create their own or improve on it, they thought for that for it to improve it would be better if it was mixed along with animals.

The latest animal they were working on were spiders, they got really far into the project. But here's the thing the person who they were working for is sick, their boss thought that this would be his cure, so he wanted to move towards human experimentation. Which was something my parents were highly against.

They were going to be force into accepting it, by involving their families, so they decided to run away before they discovered who said family were. By running away they would be able to hide for a while and protect their family"

When Peter got to this part he sighed once again and looked up while closing his eyes. It was at this point that Peter really hated his gift of photographic memory. He continued where he left off

"I remember the last time I saw my mom and dad, they were in a panic..." Peter then went and explained what happened that night all those years ago.

"Their plane then "mysteriously" got into an accident. But it wasn't an accident it was a hit. Basically a retrieval mission for their research and to silence them... and that's where my obsession with spiders comes from, its something my parents last researched. It makes me feel closer to them, when I start studying them"

Gwen had her hands cover her mouth from the shock she was experiencing, when Peter finished she went up and wrapped Peter in a tight hug "Oh Peter"

When she broke the hug she asked "So do you know who this boss is, the one who murdered your parents"

Peter just gave her a sad smile and asked "Gwen by what did we get bit by and where did it happened"

Gwen scrounged her face in confusion wondering why Peter would ask that at a time like this but seeing his sad smile she still answered anyways "We were bite by enhanced spider at osssss....No" Gwen said placing her hands near her mouth again

Peter just nodded and raised a brow at her "Why do you think I stop you from interning there at every chance we get"

When was still in shock by the revelation "So you mean to say that Norman Osborn killed your mom and dad..... but aren't you friends with Harry?"

Peter just shrugged his shoulder "I tried to hate him honestly, I really did, but I can't really blame him for something his father did, that just seems stupid"

Gwen just smiled softly at that, thankful that their interactions with their friend wasn't a lie.

"So what are you going to do now" Gwen asked unsure of what to do after that shocking revelation.

Peter just smiled as he reached out his hand and grabbed his masked.

While softly caressing it he just said "The only thing left to do"

Peter puts the mask over his head and with a final pull down he says

"We become Spider-Men"