Chapter 15


Welcome.... so this is volume two of this fanfic, so what do y'all think? That was a nice way to end the prologue don't y'all think cause I do so for a little gift I made this chapter a long one...enjoyyy 🥰



[Third Person's PoV]

Gwen and Peter were currently at the tallest building in New York, in the lower Manhattan 'The World Trade Center'. On the top of the building Gwen was holding onto Peter with her dear life.


Gwen screamed with her eye's closed to scared to look down.

"Isn't it obvious, this is the start, this is where everything begins. It has to be the biggest beginning anyone as ever seen. Gwen this is the start of our story, and it obviously has to start at the highest point... this is our leap of faith"

Gwen calmed her breathing but was still shaking, she then opened her eyes and closed them again, she then slowly opened them again but mostly focused on Peter.

"How are you not scared!" She asked, but Gwen looked more closely and saw Peter's hand shaking slightly.

Peter slowly turned his head towards her "Who says I'm not, to be honest I'm petrified" Peter then took a deep breath to calm his nerves "But I have to do this, honestly you don't have to do this with me if you don't want to but it's something I have to do"

Gwen slapped her face with both of her palms to calm herself down and get focus, she then reached out and grabbed Peter's hand, when Peter felt her hand he gave her a gentle squeeze.

They looked at each other and nodded, when they let go of each other's hands Peter turned around and spread out his arms.

"You're doing it that way? Why?"

"Its basically a trust fall"

Gwen just shook her head and following Peter's example she spread out her arms and closed her eyes while facing forwards.

"Let's count to three... ready" suggested Peter

Gwen nodded and said "Ready"

They both then started counting





Gwen fell forward while Peter fell backwards both with their hands spread out.

As they were falling all they could feel and hear was the sound of the wind as it hit them through the mask and suit

After a minute of free falling they both opened their eyes at the same time. Peter quickly turns over and they both shoot their webs at the same time in opposite direction of each other.

The momentum then carries them and they swing across the street of New York making them scream in excitement.

"WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO" shouted Peter feeling the rush of swinging freely for the very first time.

"WOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH" shouted Gwen at the same time as Peter feeling the same excitement.

The people of New York had their mouths wide open watching them as they swung through the streets, some tried to take out their phone and take a picture but by the time they were ready, they were both already gone.

"HAHAHAHA THIS IS AMAZING" Shouted Peter as the winds pushed against his face.

"Hehehehe you're right this is pretty cool!" Replied Gwen.

After swinging for a few minutes both Spider-Man and Ghost-spider looked at each other and nodded, they both tapped their ear at the same time connecting themselves with each other and Arnny.

"Arnny you there" Peter asked

The voice of a mature woman was then heard "Always available for you Father" Arnny answered

"Oh so you finally decided on what voice to use, it's sounds less robotic that's good. Anyways can you hack into a police radar and guide us to any close ongoing crime"

"Right away Father"

After a few seconds a map showed up in the corner of both of their eyes guiding them to where they need to go.

Arnny then provided them with the situation "There's an ongoing police chase occurring a few blocks ahead of you, there is active fire going on so caution is advised"

"Got it!" Both Spider-Man and The Ghost-spider said at the same time

They both then picked up the pace of their swinging and a few feet ahead of them they saw four police cruisers chasing a car with four robbers, two were sticking out the window and shooting their guns at the police.

Both Peter and Gwen swung towards the car they both looked at each other and nodded, when they swung towards the car, the police chasing them look at the two people swinging in shock

Peter went and aimed his web at one of the guys sticking out the window while Gwen did the same for the other guy.

They both pulled them out of the car and stuck them to the building they passed by with their webs disarming them. Both of them then pulled up to the front of the door

"License and Registrations please." Said Peter jokingly

The driver and his passenger just looked at them in shock before they pulled out their guns and started firing at them.

Both Peter and Gwen quickly disarmed them by pulling the guns out of their hands with their webs. Peter then took a hold of the guy driving and threw him towards Gwen

Gwen caught him and grabbed the other guy from the passenger seat leaving the car empty and jumped out of the way with both of them in tow

Once the car was empty Peter zipped himself infront of the car and spread out his arms and legs slightly, Peter took a hold of the car and as it pushed him back he lifted it up in the air stopping all of It's momentum. Peter then softly dropped the car back down and wiped his hands clean.

Gwen then came and high fived Peter, when Peter looked over her shoulders he saw Gwen had rounded up all the other criminals and tied them up with her web.

"Nice job" He said while nodding his head

"You too" Gwen replied

Afterwards they both heard someone shout "Freeze! Hands where we can see them!"

Peter then looked towards the four police cars that stopped infront of them and had their guns out pointing at them.

Peter waved at them in fake excitement "HEY! Officers! Good job out there! We sure do make a great team"

Peter then tapped on his wrist like he was pointing at a watch "I would love to stay but we have a very busy schedule."

Peter then shot his web at a nearby building and started to swing away with Gwen following soon after

"We'll see you guys Later, and you're welcome for the gift, from your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!" Peter shouted as he swung away

Gwen then shouted alongside Peter "And from your friendly neighborhood Ghost-spider"

The police officers then lowered their guns and looked at each other unsure of what to make of the situation "What just happened?" One of them asked

One of them took off their cap and ran his finger through their hair "I think we got help from a couple of Vigilantes dressed up as spiders"

Another officer then came up to him and ask "Sir, what do we do with them" the officer pointed towards the tied up criminals.

"Untie them from whatever they're tied with and arrest them properly. Let's report back afterwards"

"Yes sir" the other three nodded and got to work.


Peter tapped on his ear "Okay Arnny what's next"

"There's a giant fire east of your current location, please head there immediately. I'll send you the specific location in a sec"

They both nodded, when they got the location they both started swinging their way into the direction.

While swinging they started doing tricks, they would do backflips, front flips, twirls, anything they could do to enjoy themselves.

They quickly arrived and when they got their they landed on top of the fire truck that was trying to stop the fire but they were having trouble putting it out.

When they landed Peter asked "Are they civilians stuck inside"

The firefighters that were trying to put out the fire with a hose stopped what they were doing and turned their head and looked at them in shock

The captain of their squad quickly shouted "GET OFF FROM THERE! You're disrupting us from working"

"We're just trying to help, our suit is fire resistant we could go in there and save the civilians we need to know how many are inside" said Gwen

"Quickly leave before you get in the way and prevent us from doing our job!" The captain demanded.

Peter clicked his tongue "We don't have time Ghost, people's life are at stake here."

Peter tapped his temple and said "Arnny scan for any life signature or silhouettes of people inside"

"Scanning.... currently there are ten people stuck inside 2 in the bottom floor, 1 in the second floor, 3 in the third floor, 2 in the fourth floor, and 2 more in the fifth"

Peter and Gwen nodded, before they went into action Peter turned towards the captain "Get ready and get everything set up they're 10 people inside, we're going to quickly get them out"


Peter didn't listen as he quickly went onto the bottom floor, while Gwen shot two webs and pulled herself inside the second floor.

Once Peter was inside he saw fire everywhere and wood falling from the ceiling 'No wonder they couldn't get in' Peter thought.

He then followed where Arnny showed him the silhouettes and found a couple under a wooden log that was starting to catch on fire and making it's way to the couple. They were unable to escape due to the log while they just kept screaming for help.

Peter quickly arrived and reassured them "Don't worry I'm here to help."

Peter effortlessly lifted the log and said "quickly crawl from under there"

The couple nodded and crawled out as Peter threw the log to the side. He then picked them up and put them on his back "grab on tight and don't let go, don't move to much, we don't know what might be broken or were you could be injured"

The couple nodded and held on to Peter, Peter ran and shot two webs out the window and pulled himself outside bypassing the fire quickly as to not get the civilians burned.

Peter carefully laid them down by a soft bed the firefighters had incase of emergencies or people that needed rescue.

"They were trapped under the rubble, they may be injured, please check on them"

When Peter shot his webs he pulled himself up towards the third floor, while he did that Gwen came out with two kids respectively 7 and 8 years old.

When she put them down she patted their head and turned towards the firefighters "They were hiding in a closet seeking refuge"

When Gwen said this she heard the voice of a woman shout "My Babies!"

A woman and a man came and wrapped her arms around the children, she turned towards Gwen and said "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

Gwen just smiled and nodded before saying "Just doing what I can" Gwen then went and shot her webs up to the fourth floor and went to rescue the remaining people.

The firefighters just looked at this in shock and in awe before their captain quickly brought them back.

"Quickly get everything ready for when those two bring out more people! In the meantime continue putting out the fire.

While Peter and Gwen were rescuing the people inside the building, the people outside were recording everything that was happening...

Peter quickly went inside the third floor, in the corner he saw a family of 3 grouped together, the couple was shielding their child with their bodies, while the fire around them was quickly spreading.

Peter went and got inside their circle and said "Imma need you to trust me I can get you out of here safely"

The mother and Father looked at their child before looking at each other and nodding "We'll trust you" the father said thinking about the safety of his child and wife.

Peter nodded at them as he took the child that was about 5 years hold and held him against his chest, Peter then turned towards the couple and said "Get on me, I can carry all of you to safety"

The couple just looked at Peter with confusion "I have super strength, trust me I can carry all of you to safety"

They just looked at him wearly. Peter sighed before using his web and making a sack in his chest and putting the kid inside it. He then went and picked up the couple which caught them off guard.

Peter started running and went towards were he came from and jumped down from the window while holding the couple

"AHHHHHH" The couple screamed when Peter jumped but Peter paid no mind as he landed perfectly on the ground.

Peter then went and put the parents down and took out the kid from the pouch he made and put him on the ground as well.

Kid just looked up at Peter in fascination "A superhero"

Peter just smiled as he ruffled his hair "Stay save kid."

Peter and Gwen continued saving people until the entire building was cleared. Once they were done they both let out a sigh of relief, which was followed by the people around them clapping and cheering

The firefighter chief came and shook their hand "Thank you for saving everyone....."

Peter smiled as he said "Spider-Man, you can call me Spider-Man"

He then shook Gwen's hand "and you....."

"Ghost-spider" Gwen smiled

"Thank you as well for a fantastic job"

"Well we have to go we have more people to save" said Peter

Gwen nodded "What he said"

"Then once again thank you both for the help"

Gwen and Peter then jumped and webbed away from the scene and as they were leaving they heard the little kids they saved saying their thanks


Peter spun on his web and turned towards their direction and did his casual two finger wave, saying his goodbye.

While Gwen did the same, she turned around while swinging but instead of Peter's move, she blew them an exaggerated kiss.

With that both Spider-Man and Ghost-spider spent their Saturday saving everyone they could, whether it was petty robbery, store theft, purse thiefs, car theft.

Whatever they could find they spent the day stopping it, they would go between Manhattan and Queens swinging the day away stopping crime...