Chapter 61

[Third Person's PoV]

"Now onto important matters, Arnny can hack into any surveillance cameras/systems and look for this world's Spider-Man's last moment" Peter said as his expression turned serious.

Arnny nodded her head, "It'll only take a few seconds and Father…"

"Yeah?" Peter asked confused,

"Give me a better nickname, I don't like Arnny. It's weird" Arnny said, pouting and crossing her arms.

Peter sighed at that, before mumbling, "Fineee."

Arnny nodded her head and a video soon appeared on the big screen,

"Norman, listen to me. I can't let you open a portal to another dimension" This world's Spider-Man said while being up against a green metal container.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and paid attention to the screen listening to everything.

On the screen a giant green goblin appeared snarling at Spider-Man, "Brooklyn isn't zoned for that" He continued.

"It's not up to me" he growled making his way towards Spider-Man, "Why won't you quit!" He continued.

"I guess I like Brooklyn not being sucked into a black hole" Spider-Man said while dodging Green goblin as it went and tried to punch him but only ended up hitting the container"

Spider-Man started webbing his way around the environment swinging from a crane and kicking Green goblin in the face, "Staten Island maybe, but not Brooklyn."

As Peter swung away a damaged part of the crane slid down to the side, causing everyone to hear a panicked little scream in the far distance.

The crane moved to the side Spider-Man and the green goblin fought, showing Miles hanging on from the swinging crane.

"Miles?" Gwen2 said in a questioning tone.

"You know him?" Peni asked while they continued watching the events unfold,

Gwen2 nodded her head, "Yeah, he goes to the school I'm recently attending"

They continued watching the green goblin start throwing bombs while Miles was now on the floor dodging trying to find cover.

But Spider-Man and Green Goblin just continued fighting,

"Is he from another universe or is he from this one?" Noir asked.

"He's from this one" Arnny answered, pausing the video pulling up Miles' record.

Noir just narrowed his eyes at frozen image of Miles trying to find cover while Peter and Green goblin were frozen in place fighting.

"It looks like he just recently got bitten, he doesn't seem to have any experience"

"That I can confirm as well he, only bitten today actually. He suddenly grew and tried to blame it on Puberty, and he got his fingers stuck in my hair that's why it's cut in the first place" Gwen2 said with a bit of annoyance towards what happened to her hair.

Everyone nodded their heads and looked towards the screen where the video continued to play.

Miles tried to hide under a container that was slightly off the ground, but the goblin just picked it up and threw it at Peter.

Miles quickly got up and ran to the side through a large doorway, which only led to the collider that brought them from their universe.

Miles stopped right on the edge of the platform, if he went any further he would have ended up rolling down towards it.

Spider-Man and the goblin continued fighting slowly coming down the same route Miles went through.

The goblin was sent flying, accidentally knocking miles down causing him to scream as he tried to stick onto the floor but a large hole was there that miles almost went down in.

Luckily he managed to stick himself just on the last piece of metal but the goblin wasn't so lucky, he was sent flying right down the hole.

Peter swung by not noticing Miles. While Miles tried to push him up he accidentally slipped off causing him to fall down the fall.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" You could hear Miles screaming.

Spider-Man turned towards Miles and changed his direction and shot himself towards Miles, catching him by the back of his sweater and carrying him to safety.

You couldn't hear what they were discussing since they were whispering but at some point they stopped talking and just looked at each other.

Every spider person in the know knew that they were discovering that they were the same and got bitten by a spider.

The collider then started turning on charging itself up.

Spider-Man then jumped and parkour his way through the collider using it to move around. He used the moving collider to gain momentum and swing his way towards the ceiling.

He started moving around a bit, tapping the ceiling looking for something. He seemed to have found it and hit it causing it to open slightly, he used his strength to pry it open.

He took out a computer chip and tried putting it on a spot where he could.

But before he could, he detected something and stopped, the prowler shot him himself from the ceiling and tackled Spider-Man away from the machine.

They started fighting each other in the air for a while before the prowler kicked him with his powered up boots, sending him flying to a part of the collider.

As he laid down he sighed before going up and fighting the prowler in hand to hand combat for a bit.

The prowler punched him, pushing him back towards the spinning part of the collider. Spider-Man stopped it with one hand before he tried to web his way back to fighting the prowler.

But before he made it far the Green Goblin swooped down and dropped on top of him stopping him from advancing.

As he was being held down, the prowler jumped down from the collider and got away.

As the collider started gaining more power the lights started to brighten showing it close to activation.

"NO! No, don't do this! Stop!" Spider-Man yelled. "You don't know what it could do! You'll kill us all!"

A part of the machine came down right on the middle of the collider. The collider then turned own shooting a red beam from each side and started colliding into each other.

Arnny then started showing different effects of the multiple dimensions opening around Brooklyn from different camera angles.

Back to Spider-Man, the green goblin got hit by part of the machine causing him to be unconscious and release Spider-Man. He slid off him and off the machine.

Peter tried to swing away but just as quickly as green goblin lost consciousness he quickly regained it. He shot towards Peter and grabbed him using his foot.

He flew Peter and smashed his head inside the red beam.

Causing Aunt May to flinch and look away. She couldn't see it, she couldn't see her nephew, the same one she treated as a son die like that.

Spider-Ham went and held Aunt May's hand as he continued watching everything without saying a word, which was unusual from someone of his nature.

After a few seconds of Goblin smashing Peter's head inside the collider a giant explosion occurred making the camera start glitching and cut off for a bit…