Chapter 62

[Third Person's PoV]

Seeing the explosions that occurred everyone there thought that was the end of it and that's how Spider-Man died.

But before they could turned towards each to talk Arnny Interrupted them, "Wait that isn't the end of it"

Everyone, including Aunt May, were taken by surprise when they heard her, they waited for a few seconds before the screen in front of them started glitching and flickering on and off.

Everything was a mess, rubble was everywhere, sparks were flying about. The green goblin was smashed against the way with its head going right through a wall behind him.

When Peter saw that he narrowed his eyes, 'That isn't what happened… he was supposed to be crushed to death by the rubble and machines but he just looks knocked out… it looks like our arrival has already started changing some things'

On the monitor the video switched to Spider-Man's position, the place seems to be going in circles slightly. As Spider-Man sat on the ground a few feet away looking very injured, Aunt May covered her mouth to stop herself from gasping loudly.

"What's happening to the video?" Gwen2 asked, seeing it just spinning slightly and miles slowly approaching.

"It looks like something happened to the wiring and is just dangling there" Arnny said while switching towards another perspective, her little avatar coming into the screen pointing to the little dangling piece of camera.

She then switches back the perspective towards Spider-Man and resumes the video of miles going towards Peter trying to help.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Miles says to Spider-Man but they could barely hear it, sounding somewhat close to a whisper.

"Arnny can you reconfigure the sound and amplify it" Peter said while standing next to Gwen, his expression turning serious and crossing his arms, especially after seeing this world's goblin not dead under some rubble.

"On it daddy!" Arnny cheerily said, breaking Peter's serious expression, his cheeks started turning slightly red which Gwen caught.

Gwen turned her head to the side and covered her mouth slightly before snickering to herself, she patted Peter's arm, "Hear that? You're a daddy now" She said between her snickers.

The scene quickly replayed, causing the serious situation to return, "I'm fine, I'm fine, just resting." Spider-Man said, answering Miles's question.

"Can you get up?" Miles asked anxiously

"Yeahhhh" Spider-Man said sounding exasperated

"Yeah I always get up." he said while resting his back. Which caused him to start coughing.

"The coughing is probably not a good sign" Spider-Man said, stating the obvious, trying to lighten the mood.

"Find him, Now!" Kingpin aka Wilson Fisk demanded.

Spider-Man took a hold of Miles's sweater and pulled him closer, "Listen, we got to team up here. We don't have that much time."

He took Miles's hand and handed him a computer chip, "This override key is the only way to stop the collider. Swing up there, use this key, push the button, and blow it up. You need to hide your face. You don't tell anyone who you are. No one can know. He's got everyone in his pockets

If he turns on the machine again, everything you know will disappear. Your family, everyone. Everyone! Promise me you'll do this"

Spider-Man and Miles continue to look at each other for while before miles nodded his head, "I Promise"

"Go!" He grunts, "Destroy the collider! I'll come and find you!" he yelled which caused him to start coughing again

Miles got up and started running back. Miles looks back towards Spider-Man but Spider-Man just reassured him, "It's going to be okay"

Miles started climbing some part of the rubble and looked up towards the collider that was still okay after the explosion.

"Tombstone" Miles heard Kingpin say, causing him to hide by the rubble close by.

"We're done with these tests. Get that thing ready to go again, and soon." He demanded, which caused the scientist next to him to run towards his tasks.

"Run faster," Kingpin said while sneering. "These guys are weak"

"I'd say it's nice to see you again Spider-Man, but it's not!" Kingpin said, walking towards him and standing before him imposingly with Tombstone and Prowler standing behind him to his left and right respectively.

"Hey Kingpin, how's business?" Spider-Man said completely out of breath.

"Booming" Kingpin quid before reaching over and grabbing Spider-Man's mask.

"Nice, Aw that's a no no" Spider-Man said as he had his identity exposed.

Kingpin started chuckling, "This might open a black hole under Brooklyn"

Spider-Man's shook his head as he then said, "It can't be worth the risk"

Kingpin leaned in closely, "It's not always about the money, Spider-Man"

The prowler then stepped forward and took out his claws causing Spider-Man to roll his eyes and groan.

Spider-Man looks at Prowler before looking at Kingpin, "Don't you want to know what I saw in there?"

"Wait" Kingpin said stretching out his hand and stopping prowler from advancing,

"I know what you're trying to do and it won't work…There gone"

Kingpin didn't say anything and just continued looking at Spider-Man, he closed his eyes before screaming out in anger and slamming down both his fist killing Spider-Man…

Aunt May bursted out crying when she saw this, causing almost everyone in the room to clench their hands in anger.

Noir who stood next to Aunt May pulled her him for a hug and let her pour her heart out in his chest.

"He's gone…" Aunt May sobbed, while clenching Noir trench coat, "My Nephew, My Peter… My son… Is gone" Aunt May cried out.

Tears started pouring down everyone's eyes when they heard Aunt May's distraught voice and cries. To almost all the spider-men Aunt May was more than an Aunt, she was their mother.

And it looks like it was the same way for her. Peter was more than just a nephew that was entrusted to her. He was her son, her little boy that she raised but now she won't be able to ever see him again

Her son was murdered in cold blood…