Chapter 63

[Third Person's PoV]

Nobody said anything as Aunt May continued crying, she slowly headed towards the elevator and left to find a place to mourn by herself.

Everyone wiped then tear and stood in a looming silence.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one having murderous thoughts towards Kingpin." Peter said, breaking the silence.

"I'm feeling the same way" Spider-Man Noir said solemnly.

Gwen2 looked at them in surprise, "You guys are serious?" She looked around and saw that nobody said anything.

Peter once broke the silence, "Obviously no, we're not savages that deal with thing's purely with our instincts, but I can't deny that the feeling is there.

I don't know how it is in your universe or what your relationship with Aunt May is but, she has taken care of me since I was a little boy, always worrying about me and making sure I'm alright, and I will say this with all honesty.

I would kill for that woman, no matter from what universe she's from."

The other spider-people nodded their heads as well in agreement, taking Gwen2 by surprise.

She looked at her counterpart and was surprised to see her nodding her head along with the others, "Even you?"

To which Gwen nodded her head, "In our world my mother died while giving birth to me, so It was mostly my dad and I for most of our lives. That is until I meant Peter" Gwen said with a smile towards the end, slipping her hands into his.

"As we started to grow closer I would spend most of my time at his place while dad was either at work, or I was just bored. Aunt May treats me like I'm one of her own, she's like a mother I never had"

"You guys are making me jealous for not having an Aunt May of my own" Gwen2 said with a weary smile looking at how defensive they were towards Aunt May.

Before they could say anything else the video on the screen continued playing…

"Dispose of the body" Kingpin ordered,

All the spider-people snapped their attention back towards the screen and saw Miles accidentally moving something causing it to make a sound.

Kingpin, Prowler, and Tombstone all look towards his direction.

Miles seeing that took off running without looking back, "Kill that guy Kingpin said coldly"

Causing the Prowler to start running towards Miles, chasing him.

Miles started running back the way he came from with the prowler following close behind, the camera switched to a subway tunnel system where Miles was running from the prowler.

In front of Miles a train was fast approaching causing him to jump and stick to the ceiling, while the prowler moved his body back off the tracks and leaned against the wall as the train passed underneath Miles and a few inches away from the Prowler face.

When the train passed Miles tried to release his hold on the ceiling but was unsuccessful, "Stop sticking" he said as he tried to pull himself off but was still unsuccessful.

The prowler was slowly making his way towards him extracting his claws.

When Miles saw and heard that his attempt at trying unstick himself became forceful. Cracks started growing on the ceiling while Miles kept yelling, "Stop sticking!"

He closed his eyes and tried concentrating and pulled his hands off with a big tug causing a bit of the ceiling to come off.

Miles landed on the ground with a roll and immediately transitioned into running which the prowler quickly followed.

Miles continued running through the tunnel until he saw a train coming through the entrance of the tunnel.

Mile picked up his speed and jumped towards the subway platform, and the training to continue going through the tunnel made it block the prowler for a bit.

Which gave Miles the perfect opportunity to get away from the Prowler.

Seeing this Gwen2 let out a sigh of relief, "it looks like he managed to get away in time, so what about now what's his current location and condition."

Arnny then pulled up a video clip of Miles climbing through the window entering a room before switching off.

"Based on the information here, that is his home. So you guys have nothing to worry about. He's made it home safe." Arnny informed them.

"Well then what are we waiting for, let's get that kid" Spider-Ham said, turning around and walking towards the elevator.

"Let's not." Peter said, taking all of them by surprise.

"What why?" Asked Gwen2 surprise.

Peter sigh, "The kid just experienced something traumatic, he saw someone die right in front… Even though i call him a kid he's just a year younger than me but you understand what I'm saying"

Noir nodded his head at Peter's reasoning, "He's right, it's best we let the kid digest what just occurred before bringing him further into this mess."

"So what do we do in the meantime then?" Peni asked, tilting her head.

Before they could say anything Arnny Interrupted she started raising her hand as if wanted to me called upon, "Ooooh I know, I know, you can all come up with a new name for me, since daddy is really irresponsible and will probably forget to do it"

"Oi, that's slander" Peter said with a scoff.

Arnny turned her avatar towards Peter and stuck out her little tongue, "It's not slander if it's true daddy."

Peter held his chest and took a step back before putting a hand on Gwen's shoulder, "Gwen honey… our daughter is entering her rebellious phase"

Gwen just smiled and shook her head,

"How about Spinny!" Peni said after thinking about it and looking at her cute avatar.

"Arachnopork" Spider-Ham said proudly

"The dark spider of the Evanescence stars in the sky" Noir said while looking at the distance with the wind fluttering on his trench coat, even though they were in a basement…

Gwen2 didn't even try and threw her hands up, "I'm not even going to try"

"Sowsilk" Spider-Ham tried again, "The pigspinner, the baconweaver, Swinethreader."

Arnny just looked at Spider-Ham directly making eye contact and in a serious voice said, "Stop talking"

Which came as a gut punch towards him. He put both hands on the floor and stayed there, shedding tears about the unfairness.

"How about Aria?" Gwen suggested.

Confetti started appearing on the monitor and Arnny's avatar gained a party popper.

"And we have a winner, from now on this little spider lady will be known as Aria!"

Peter then shook head, "Well Aria, enjoy yourself on the web, your mom and I have something to do" Peter said secretly giving her a wink which she caught on.

She did a military salute, "Father, Mother. I'll be sure to manhandle the fort in your absence."

Peter chuckled and took Gwen's hand and led her towards the elevator.

Gwen looked at him in confusion, "We have something planned? Since when?"

Peter just smirked at her, "Since I promised you a date. And what better date than exploring the city in the middle of the night"

Gwen looked at him in surprise, "Really! Her expression developed into a large smile.

To which Peter returned one of his own nodding his head, and off they went towards their date….