Unexpected encounter with Victoria.

The hushed conversation broke Julian's slumber. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, his gaze fell upon a figure illuminated by the soft glow filtering through the window. He winced as he stirred, the movement drawing Esme's attention. Her head snapped up, and when she saw his eyes open, she hurried to his bedside.

"You're awake," she exclaimed softly, relief flooding her voice.

Julian looked up, his gaze landing on Esme. Surprise flickered across his face, momentarily halting any movement.

"Esme! It's really you!" He kept looking at her with disbelief. 

A flicker of joy bloomed deep within him, a spark of optimism that perhaps things could be mended. After their last bitter argument, he'd resigned himself to the fact she wouldn't want anything to do with him. Yet, here she was, beside him when he needed her most.

"How are you feeling?" Esme asked, ignoring his intense gaze.