Silas’s concern

Esme blinked back a surge of tears, clinging stubbornly to a shred of hope. The rumors, the photos, everything pointed to a deep love between Silas and Lara. Yet, why did her heart cling so fiercely to the idea that he loved her, only her? 

His passionate confessions, the way he claimed her, the intimacy they shared – could it all be a lie? 

But then there was Lara, the tenderness in Silas's eyes when he looked at her, the undeniable connection; she couldn't forget. What she had witnessed that night couldn't be erased.

Silas indeed cared about Lara deeply. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, a small ember of hope still flickered within her heart, refusing to be extinguished by the cold winds of reality.

"You are still beautiful and smart." Victoria's voice cut through the fog of confusion. "Don't waste your youth pining for Silas. Find someone suitable. I heard that your ex-boyfriend is trying to reconcile with you. Is it true?"