Chapter 15: Eager to Hike

"Oh, Kemal, I'm sorry," she said, rubbing his shoulder. "How?" Briefly, she wondered if his family were involved. Then she felt flooded with guilt as she saw how upset this made him.

"A car accident. She was on a bicycle, and someone hit her."

"That is so sad. What was her name?"

"Nehir," he whispered.

"Did you want to have children with her?"

"Yes. Very much," he paused. "You are probably wondering why I'm telling you this."

"I am a little curious, yes," Chloé disclosed.

"She is the only other person I have been with."

Chloé paused thoughtfully, glancing down at the khaki-colored couch cushions. For all its tragedy and her feeling of selfishness, this was in keeping with her idea about him. Her expectation of him being a playboy was dissolved and he was as pure as she'd ever hoped. He had kept himself away from anyone else.

"I think it's really sweet and romantic. I hope that isn't wrong to say," Chloé glanced at him apprehensively. He smiled at her.