Chapter 9: A Familiar foe unveils, the first day comes to a close

The day is at noon and the sun is radiating with brightness. The announcer flys up in the air to avoid the destruction that will happen in the battle field. The water king cheers on megumi.

"You go megumi, i love you!", the water king shouts from where he's sitting.

The audience begin to feel heartfelt as water king said that and they begin to say "awww".

"Why did he have to that" megumi says to herself while embarrassed as she nods her head

"Alright contestants, your first exam starts.....RIGHT NOW" the announcer exclaims.

*Fight music starts to play*

Participants begin to charge at each other throwing punches and kicks, others begin to use their elements to their advantage already leaving scratches on the battlefield. The man katsuto and mitsuki met with great chi stands on the edge of the battlefield with his eyes closed. Katsuto is curious about him and decides to charge, but the familar man with the name "taisuke oda" appears in front of katsuto with a devious smile and hits him with a roundhouse punch.

Katsuto falls to the ground wondering who punched him.

"What these participants dont know is that they are meant to work as a team" says kenichiro

"Yeah its a good thing we told the announcer otherwise just to make the participants think for themselves" himari says

The air hero just sits with his eyes closed.

Taisuke oda looks at katsuto with annoyance and vengeance in his eyes.

"Remember me" taisuke says with an evil tone

Katsuto slowly gets up on his feet and takes a good look at taisuke's face, he remembers right away that it was the man he fought near the bar.

"Wait its you, that wolf beast guy" katsuto familiarises with him

"Yes and im back and ready for revenge" taisuke says casually

Katsuto begins to notice his physique and the presence of his chi.

"This guy used to be skinny and now he's jacked to the brim, how did he achieve this in such a short time though" katsuto says in his thoughts.

Katsuto begins to show signs of concern and worry on his face.

"Whats wrong, dont tell me your scared" taisuke says with an evil smile

Katsuto ignores his question and then proceeds to ask his own question

"How did you gain so much muscle?" katsuto enquires

"Well we beta-morphs have a great metabolism so meaning all i had to do was eat a lot and then burn little of the calories, leading to this great bulk physique." Taisuke says proudly

"And let me guess, you think that now your big and strong you can defeat me now?", Katsuto says arrogantly

"Oh i know so and i will not make the same mistake" taisuke says as he starts turning into a more big and ferocious looking wolf beast than before.

*Conflict music starts to play*

The audience, heroes, kings and queens turn their attention to the fight between katsuto and taisuke. The heroes are flabbergasted to see a beta-morph in sight.

The wolf beast growls at katsuto with aggression, ready to attack him.

"Beta-morphs are so rare and unlikely to find, i haven't even seen one in action so im excited" kenichiro says with a desire to spectate the match

"He's bigger than before, if i dont use my element, i will be toast" katsuto says in his thoughts while agitated

The wolf beast breaths fire on the area katsuto is standing but he quickly dodges with a backhand spring. Katsuto attempts to jump and kick the beast in the eye but fails leading to the beast letting out a giant roar that sends katsuto towards the edge.

"Is an elimination about to happen this early into the battle royale!?" the announcer commentates

Katsuto is barely standing near the edge and is struggling to balance

"Yes an opportunity, say goodbye" taisuke says arrogantly

The wolf beast breaths a massive fire ball from its mouth to attenpt to knock katsuto but a boulder forms from the ground to block the fire ball. A man with a tight white t-shirt and brown pants appears in front of katsuto with smoke surrounding the area

The stadium is left quiet, katsuto is left in confusion, taisuke is confused as well.

The smoke in the area begins to wear away and the man that came in front of katsuto becomes clear. That man is no other than hiroto

*Hype music starts to play*

"Hiroto?" katsuto says in confusion

Hiroto looks to his back with a smile.

"You thought i was just not gonna help you considering your a non-elemental, not a chance cause im a selfless guy" hiroto says proudly

"Yeah but didnt you hear the announcer, he said no teaming up" katsuto says cautiously

"Yeah but didnt you hear me, im a selfless guy" hiroto repeats

"Wow so another idiot wants to interfere in my business, guess taking out two of you will do me good anyways" taisuke says arrogantly

Hiroto shatters the boulder he used to block the fire ball with his hands and gets into fighting position. Katsuto gives out a smile and then proceeds to stand next to hiroto looking confident in themselves.

" I wonder how its going to feel when you lose twice to me" katsuto says arrogantly

This statement that was said by katsuto strikes a nerve towards taisuke and he charges towards them at great speed for his size. Hiroto counters by jumping high up in the air and katsuto counters by jumping on the beast. Hiroto lands on the beast which irritates it cause of hiroto's weight. Hiroto creates two spears made of rock and gives katsuto one.

"Thanks" katsuto says

Katsuto begins to run towards the beast's behind while slashing through its back at great speed. The beast becomes irritated and starts to shake its body to mess up their balance which knocks katsuto and hiroto off of it.

"If im not mistaken, that boy is a non-elemental right?" Himari enquires

"Yes from what I've been told" kenichiro replies

Katsuto and hiroto land on their feet and at the same time, hiroto jumps in the air and starts punching the beast with his massive strength but the beast is irritated and breaths the fire ball directly at hiroto which is pushing him to the edge. Hiroto shows huge signs of struggle as his skin is shown to be burning from the flames. Katsuto jumps next to hiroto and stops the fire ball with no effort, he starts to compress the fire ball into nothing. He is able to do this due to him being a fire elemental

"How was he able to stop that fire ball when he's just a non elemental" kenichiro says surprised

Taisuke and hiroto are surprised at how katsuto could do that

"How's that possible" Taisuke is surprised

"You must not be just any non elemental right cause that was a big feat right there" hiroto compliments katsuto

"Thanks but the fight is not over" katsuto says seriously

Hiroto and katsuto get into their fighting poses.

"We need a plan of attack on this beast cause he's size is his advantage" katsuto says seriously

"Ok i have a plan" hiroto says

"Tell me in my ear" katsuto says

Hiroto begins to whisper the plan in katsuto's ear.

"Can you handle it?" Hiroto enquires

"Yeah definitely" katsuto replies proudly

"Well if two of you are not going to attack then i'll bring the fight to you" taisuke says

The wolf beast charges at them however katsuto and hiroto do the same. Once they get close enough to the beast, katsuto says this..

"Now hiroto!" katsuto exclaims

Hiroto uses his element to place a pillar on to launch him above the beast and then places another pillar to launch down at great speed, giving him enough Momentum to punch him on the back. The wolf beast feel massive amounts of pain. Katsuto jumps in the air and hiroto places another pillar under katsuto to launch him higher. Hiroto does the same thing and katsuto is brought down at massive speed and momentum, giving him enough strength to land another blow. The wolf beasts gets knocked off balance. The beast begins to transform into his human self, which is taisuke.

*Hype music stops playing*

Katsuto lands on the ground and walks towards taisuke with arrogance and confidence. Taisuke begins to have backflashes of their last fight. Once katsuto gets to him he says this....

"So how does it feel to lose twice to me" katsuto says proudly

"Its like experiencing PTHD" taisuke says frustrated

"Hey hiroto do you wanna take him out or should i do it?" katsuto asks

"Just do it, im good" hiroto replies

"Aight then good riddance" katsuto says seriously

Katsuto kicks him and he falls out of the arena, landing on a soft like surface below.

The announcer comes into the battlefield and shouts this....

"It is the end of the battle royale!" Announcer exclaims

Every participant stops fighting and turns their attention to the announcer. The announcer approaches hiroto with a serious expression and when he finally gets to him, he says..

"You broke the rule of teaming up with a participant and therefore....You are the winner of the battle royale" announcer says while he's voice transitions from serious to normal

Every participant and the audience are in shock of the statement the announcer just said.

"Wait what so i dont get punished" hiroto asks confused

"Nope but you instead win the battle royale" the announcer says with a casual smile

"Woah this is a lot to take in" hiroto says flabbergasted

"Well the real motive of this battle royale was teamwork and you just displayed it with this boy right here next to you. We told everyone that it is forbidden to team up so that we would see who is willing to take the risk. It was just a reward behind closed doors." The announcer explains

"I guess that selfless thing turned out to be a reward hiroto" katsuto says

"Yeah i guess it did" hiroto says happily

"As for the rest of you, you may have not passed but there is still exams to be completed. The first day of the elemental hero exam has come to an end!" The announcer exclaims

The first day of the elemental hero exam is finished, it becomes sunset and katsuto, hiroto and mitsuki get together outside of the stadium.

"So hiroto how does it feel to win the battle royale" mitsuki asks

"Well its exciting actually, never felt anything like it. I have to go now but i'll see you guys tomorrow right" hiroto replies

"Bet" katsuto says

Hiroto walks away. Taisuke walks by katsuto leaving a message.

"Dont forget i know your a fire elemental and i know your trying to hide it from everyone so if you know whats good for you, you do what i say tommorow do you understand" taisuke threatens him

"What if i don't?" katsuto asks seriously

"Then your secret is revealed" taisuke says

"Fine i'll do what you say" katsuto says uneagerly

"Glad your cooperating" taisuke says

Taisuke walks away looking at katsuto deviously.

"What did that guy say" mitsuki asks curiously

"He knows" katsuto says unclearly

Mitsuki quickly understood what katsuto said right way

"So what do we do" mitsuki asks

"There's not much we can do at this point. I just gotta do what he says now" katsuto says seriously

Katsuto and megumi go back to their homes.