The Visit

Chapter 3

"Here we are. The Cemetery, as promised." Said the old man stopping the cab just outside the gate leading to the cemetery.

"Here you go. As I promised." Said the young man while handing over the hundred-dollar bill to the old driver.

"Are you sure you want to give all of this just for this small ride?" The old man asked once again.

"Sure." He replied since that was the smallest bill in his wallet and he had no need for the change as well as such a small amount was nothing for him anyway.

"God bless you then." Said the old man while taking the bill and said before the boy could exit, "Now don't go doing something I wouldn't do."

"Sure. And thanks for bringing me here." Said the young man with a smile on his face as the old man still didn't believe him completely.

"No problem. See you around if fate allows." Said the old man before driving off.

The young man sighed before entering the cemetery. As far as he could see he was the only one in the cemetery. Holding his luggage, he made his way to the deep part of the cemetery, a portion reserved for the rich and elite of the Vallenville city.

He finally arrived at a grave whose tombstone said, "Here lies Samantha Prince. Loving wife and proud mother."

He scoffed at the sentence. "I get the proud mother part but 'loving wife'? Really? I doubt the man has visited you even once after the funeral." He said out loud not hiding the disdain in his voice.

"You loved the wrong man Mom and even in death you don't want to admit it." He said with sadness in his voice.

A few moments of quiet after which he continued, "Anyway, I'm sure you won't be happy with me saying the same old stuff as soon as I come back."

"Just wanted to visit you before anyone else in this city. Wanted to let you know why I couldn't visit for the last two years."

"Sorry for that by the way. And uncle says hi. Even though he couldn't come, he misses you. I should know, that during the two years I stayed with him, he mentioned you almost every day."

He paused again before inhaling loudly and continued, "I miss you, Mom. I wish you were here to watch over me. Watch me as I am about to join the military for my draft. About to begin a new life."

He scoffed again at this point. "Hardly a new one. Still in the shadow of the man who killed my mother."

"I know what you would say to that but in my eyes it's true and you are not here to argue to correct me."

"Anyway, I will keep visiting you. I don't know how it will be in the military but I'm sure my name would allow me to leave on the weekends. That is if I don't even have to live in the academy like everybody else and be allowed to go back home."

"All in all, I miss you. There are not many things I am thrilled to be back about but I want you to know that you are one of those few things that are holding me back from running as far as I can from this city and especially from this damn name."

He stopped there because he could hear someone walking toward him from behind. The person was still a lot of distance away so he continued to finish.

"I will see you again Mom. Hope you are happy wherever you are. You must be since that arsehole isn't there with you to torment you."

Finally, the steps stopped a few yards being him and a voice came over to him, "I knew I would find you here, Sir. You shouldn't run off like that. I was worried."

The voice belonged to a male. The young man turned around to look at the person to whom the voice belonged to. Someone he was familiar with.

There stood a middle-aged man dressed in a classic butler suit. A smile on his face and his hair gelled backward. His features indicated that he was trained fully to adapt to his role. But he was someone who would only listen to the head and only show necessary respect to his children. Not more than needed.

Because that was how it was with the young man. The young man said nothing to the remark of the butler and started walking to the entrance of the cemetery where he could see the same black car parked which was at the station.

"Would you like to visit someplace else before we return home, Sir?" Asked the butler still with a smile plastered across his face while following behind the young man.

"AM I allowed to?" Asked the young man in a curt tone.

"Of course not, Sir. I am ordered to bring you straight back home from the station. We are already quite delayed because of your detour." The butler explained not minding the rude tone of the young man.

The young man scoffed at the reply and said nothing in return. He had no doubt that if he tried to pull anything here, his return wouldn't be very comforting. He could have tried running if it was someone else but there was no running from this man so he just continued walking towards the car quietly.

When they reached the car the butler opened the door and settled in the driver's seat not even bothering to open the door for the young man.

Not that the young man minded. He knew that the butler was someone even his father respected so it was a pipe dream for him to order the butler to do anything.

He quietly opened the backseat door and sat down settling his luggage beside him and the car started driving towards the city. "Welcome home, Sir." He heard the butler say but again said nothing in reply as he knew that the man had no sincerity in those words.


Let me know of any mistakes in the comments.