Ch 58: The truth will come out [pt1]

"Fine! I will believe you for now."

The emperor gritted out with clenched teeth as his body collapsed against Meria's in exhaustion. 

Meria quickly decided to help the emperor up, but the hand he clutched was too hot.

The emperor seemed sick, and the stress must not be helping him in his current condition.

"Emperor Kai, are you burning up? Just stay here, and I will get you help."

Meria promised and decided to head out. 

But the emperor caught his hand before Meria could leave.

"Don't! Don't go away now. Just stay with me. I need your presence near me."

The emperor panted as he spoke these words.

His flushed face did things to Meria, and the familiar scent in the room started to thicken.

Meria's instincts wanted him to warp around the young alpha and burrow himself against the emperor.

'This is dangerous. My omega instincts are starting to recognise Emperor Kai as a suitable mate. I need to get out of here.'