Ch 88: The unexpected outcome [pt2]

It took a second for Rukia to understand what General Meria was saying, but as soon as she looked around, the guards pretended to look away in shame as if they had not done anything.

However, try as they might, they could not hide the disdain in their eyes.

'These fools! How did I miss that our guards have gotten too pathetic? I will need to take care of this as soon as possible.'

Rukia sighed before she looked at Meria in regret and embarrassment.

"I apologise for our guard's behaviour toward you. I swear they did not mean to make you uncomfortable."

Rukia promised as she made a mental note to retrain all the guards in the palace. 

"No, it's okay. I don't mind these guards since I know they are doing this because they protect Kerin. But it will be a big problem if they do this to a royal guest later."

Meria reminded Rukia, and the female alpha sighed.