"There is only chance', said chief administrator Rasplos. "Your ship must stop resisting it's destruction. That is the only way for the wave to stop increasing their voltage. I will need your assistance".
"Are you asking me to get my ship to stand down when it is under attack?", asked captain Maguire.
"I 'm asking you to help me save an entire civilization", said chief administrator Rasplos.
"By sacrificing my command?", asked captain Maguire.
"By fixing the problem you caused. You brought the Bulba here. You seem like a noble species", said chief administrator Rasplos. "I 'm only asking you to do the right thing".
"You are right about one thing, your civilisation should not have to be destroyed due to no fault of yours", conceded captain Maguire.
"There is no time to waste, you must return to your ship before the water around the city becomes too disturbed", said chief administrator Rasplos.